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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 23, 2004
Tucson AZ
Hey everyone -

I'm a new member but not exactly new to the forum, but figured I'd say hi and share a rather amusing (at least to me) bit.

I've got two tanks right now, a 10 and a 20, and I was attempting to feed my ADF in the 20, my greedy little tetras get in the way sometimes, but as i was feeding them some worms, my betta up and bites my arm! Now, he's not really aggressive most of the time, just hangs out and will chase after my finger sometimes, waits patiently for his food, but to bite my entire arm!

Don't know why it was so amusing at the time, but it startled me a bit. hahaha.

Anyway, I've had my tanks for about 2 months now and I love them, I'm totally captivated and now I've got aquarium fever. I'm tempted to get a 30 gallon sometime soon, but I'm worried I'm putting too much weight on the floor of my apt!

Well anyhoo, hello all, and nice to meet you.

I'll get some pics up as soon as I get a camera.

to AquariumAdvice.com!!
[center:b95b582b08] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, acrossoceans!!! :n00b:[/center:b95b582b08]

I've gone from 2 to 6 tanks in under two months! This hobby is addicting!
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