hitchhickers on live rock

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 24, 2005
I just added some live rock to my tank from Liverocks.com (great rock by the way). I have a few interesting hitchhikers: 1) a serpent sea star - which won't come out of the rock it is hiding in. I tried lights out, it has been in the tank for about 24 hours and all I have seen is a couple tenticles? Any ideas to get it out? 2) a pencil urchin, about 1 inch in size, I'm not sure if I should keep this, I have heard good and bad about this being in a reef aquarium.

Tank size 12g nano DX
You may never see the serpent star. Especially if it's one of the tiny ones that are mostly white. We saw several while we were curing our rock but haven't seen them since they went into the tank. I also have heard bad things about pencil urchins in a reef.
saltwater is so exciting, ive been setup for 2 days and ive already found i have 3 crabs and 1 star. and i wouldnt try to make the star come it will come out on its own i guess.just wondering how many lbs of live rock do you have and what type?
We have about 90 pounds of combo fiji, tonga, base, and are cycling another 90 lbs of coral skeleton from the beach in Maui to add to both of our tanks. The more the better.
I have 20lbs of LR total, most Keys, some Gulf. The serpent star is purple colored with stripes, and seems quite large. He pokes his arms out every now and then, but never comes totally out. I have seen them be very active in other tanks, just wondering what helps to make them feel comfortable.
I have seen them be very active in other tanks, just wondering what helps to make them feel comfortable.
Just time......Sometimes he'll be visible for a few days, sometimes hide for a month.
The more LR you have the more comfotable he'll be, but the more LR you have the more hiding places you have too. Kinda double edged sword. Bottom line is to make him happy. :wink:
Stacey...is your tank still cycling? If so, you may want to consider doing water changes to keep ammonia and nitrite from spiking so high. In normal cycle it is best just to let it go, however, since there is life worth preserving in the tank water changes may be in order. It will cause your cycle to last a bit longer, but worth it.
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