How do you say betta?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 29, 2013
N. Illinois
I and everyone else around here pronounces them as bay-ta but I was up north and they were calling them bet-ta. How do you say it?
I say bay-ta, but most people here in the uk say Siamese fighter and wouldn't know what a betta was however you said it. Lol. Kinda solves the problem of how to say it I suppose.
I say bay-ta, but most people here in the uk say Siamese fighter and wouldn't know what a betta was however you said it. Lol. Kinda solves the problem of how to say it I suppose.

They are mostly called Siamese fighters here too (Australia) but when we do say it, we say bet-uh
I am from the uk so I say fighter :) I had to google to find out what bettas were wjen I joined this forum as that term is not used here at all
I am from the uk so I say fighter :) I had to google to find out what bettas were wjen I joined this forum as that term is not used here at all

Dont feel bad. If you say fighter fish here in the us most people will look at you like your the dumb one!
Correct pronunciation is with a soft e like eh but most people here in Colorado say long a sound - ay

Beta testing - long a sound
better / butter / dinner / summer/ simmer - soft e

Betta- soft e / Phonetics rule from ABC Fast Phonics "When a word has a vowel followed by two of the same consonants in a row (called a double consonant), a short sound is used for the vowel."

(y) Now I doubly am sure!

But communication is about communicating, just like the previous poster who had to look up the word Betta, he didn't know because it is called something different there, I normally say to people "Behtah, or Bayta" in the same breath to see which they recognize and keep going with Behta if they don't stare quizically at me. :lol:
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