Aquarium Advice Addict
I and everyone else around here pronounces them as bay-ta but I was up north and they were calling them bet-ta. How do you say it?
I'm from Massachusetts we say Bet-tah
I'm from Massachusetts we say Bet-tah
I say bay-ta, but most people here in the uk say Siamese fighter and wouldn't know what a betta was however you said it. Lol. Kinda solves the problem of how to say it I suppose.
I am from the uk so I say fighter I had to google to find out what bettas were wjen I joined this forum as that term is not used here at all
Dont feel bad. If you say fighter fish here in the us most people will look at you like your the dumb one!
Or your old.... I say betta and some older folk are like what's a betta? So then I change it to fighting fish