I think i have used the wrong silicone

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Me too


They went to all that trouble, then misspelled picture!
Graet shoot loooool.

Hey man what do you think about LED lights in place of T5 or T8??
If you have a small AQ w/todays tec. It would be okay. Or you have lots of money. The lights are getting better in leaps and bounds.
Im planning to use 5 meters of white LED strip and 5 meters of blue LED strip it should give me loads light and I hope will bring the tank on very well.
It all depends on how strong your leds are and how deep your tank is. I believe that "Cree" has the strongest LED's at 1 watt each. How deep is your tank and what brand LED's are you going to use?
"my bad" they have since come out with a 6watt LED. Tec. is coming in leps and bounds as far as LED lighting...
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The LED are custom made, my company use them to light up window display's im not sure of the brand however they are good quality. I think the LED are 2 watt and my tank is 24" deep.

I have another problem, my sump. Not really sure if this is a problem or not but I have been reading about skimmers. Everone has advised me that the octopus skimmers are the best, but they need a 19" by 19" foot print in the sump. My sump is only 15" wide, now do I re-design the sump or is there something that will fit? I am able to have the skimmer department 15" by 19" but like I said its only 15" wide.


I would do a search on google for skimmers and make a list of the ones that would fit in your sump. Then post them here and get everyones opinion.
The LED are custom made, my company use them to light up window display's im not sure of the brand however they are good quality. I think the LED are 2 watt and my tank is 24" deep.

I have another problem, my sump. Not really sure if this is a problem or not but I have been reading about skimmers. Everone has advised me that the octopus skimmers are the best, but they need a 19" by 19" foot print in the sump. My sump is only 15" wide, now do I re-design the sump or is there something that will fit? I am able to have the skimmer department 15" by 19" but like I said its only 15" wide.


Tony..24" is just about the limit for HO T-5 lights, but you never know.
It will be forsure a salt water tank, I have made the sump and im in the process buying all the pumps filters skimmer etc.

I just has a bit of a set back with the whole silicone thing, however now my mind is at rest.

For the sump would you advise on Natural filtration or manmade substances?
A sump is where you keep your tank equipment like your skimmer, heaters and such. You can also run a section with more live rock to boost the filtration of your system. So other then those the only other item would be a return pump. You could also add Macro algae to help with the nitrates that will build up as your tank matures.
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