iOS 7, did you get it?

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you have to have a passcode. You just have to swipe to the left and enter it if your finger won't work. I actually discovered that it doesn't work when dirty... I was showing my phone to all my friends during lunch and everybody wanted to test the finger sensor so I let them but when I went to put me finger in it wouldn't let me on but then I cleaned the button and it worked... After I had already started freaking out that I had broken it! I hadn't doscovered this earlier because I've been cleaning my phone daily but I hadn't cleaned it yet!

I can't lie, that 5S really makes me want to switch to an iPhone. Great looking phone, and internals too
YeH I can't get into imessage

I googled it, and apparently many people have been having that issue. I regret getting the upgrade. Not to mention I'm legally blind and for some reason my eyes don't see that blue writing very well. If you find a way to fix the iMessage issue let me know.
I'm a little late but I updated within an hour since I've got wifi at school. My opinion I don't lean either way. It's new and different but the changes weren't anything beyond cosmetic IMO. It does kind of look like a kids toy phone now though.
The Internet has been freezing a lot on me and apps have been crashing a lot I just noticed. That NEVER happened with iOS 6 :(
did anyone else notice the alarm clock doesn't work? my girlfriend and i didn't stay at home last night and i was late for work because my alarm didn't go off!!! then my friend with the iphone 5c said the same thing happened to him. i hope it was fixed in the update
I've been noticing a ton more problems too. I don't use the alarm, so I can't weigh in on that. But the 7.0.2 update didn't fix any bugs. :(
did anyone else notice the alarm clock doesn't work? my girlfriend and i didn't stay at home last night and i was late for work because my alarm didn't go off!!! then my friend with the iphone 5c said the same thing happened to him. i hope it was fixed in the update

I had that problem too, and I still can't use my iMessage or FaceTime.
thats really weird because mine goes on and off. half the time when i text my girlfriend it says text message and the other half it says imessage. her facetime works on the 5 but i have the 4 and don't use facetime so i don't know if mine works
thats really weird because mine goes on and off. half the time when i text my girlfriend it says text message and the other half it says imessage. her facetime works on the 5 but i have the 4 and don't use facetime so i don't know if mine works

I'm not really happy with the update.
bud29 said:
Haha....I tried to jailbreak my ipod once-being the idiot I am, I almost completely murdered the thing. Not trying that one again :)

Lol its fun, after you get in lol
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