No it seems healthy, I edited my above post, I feed it 2 to 3 times a day. very small cichlid pellets. I also have mystery snails, pond snails and ghost shrimp in the tank for my fahaka puffer. But the cichlids dont bother those too much. Sometimes they pick at the small pond snails but not much.
It was in a mix african cichlid tank when I bought it. The tank had several small cichlids of its kind and other kinds in it so is it possible it was fertile when I bought it a month ago and im just now seeing this?
the stomach in this fish is ALOT larger then any other cichlid I have. But it is the only rust cichlid I have in the tank, so i cant compare it to any other of its kind.
I was doing some research and found that some fish poop like this if you over feed them, also there is a parasite called callamanus worms it could be. But the long stringy seemingly poop (possibly worm) does not move around at all so it makes me thing more poop. but I dont know