I've got my first fish.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 5, 2004
McAllen Tx
I went to the store and purchased 10 chillads they are goldfish looking that's what the lady at petsmart said. they were 12 cents so i bought a handful. will this help my tank get going. i've had it running for about 48 hrs now.
Congratulations on your new fish.

How big is your tank, and how many fish do you have?
30 gal, 12. 4 of them died :( the others look like they will die. they have a 14 day return on them though, do you think i introduced them to early or did i want them to die to get the backteria growing. Thanks.
OK first off do you have a water test kit?If not you need to get a ph,ammonia,nitrate,nitrite.When you setup your tank did you add water conditioner to remove the chlorine and chloramine from tap water?Not eveyone tap will have these so you should tell us if you use city water or a well.Feeder fish will prob die because of the conditions the store put then in.Usualy 500 in a ten gallon.Get back with us and well go from there.
I do have a SW test kit. which tests for those things. I added water and the conditoner to remove the cholorine. I'm using city water. yeah the feeder fish were probably 100-150 in a 10 gal. so far 4 are still dead. Should i leave them in remove them or what do i do from here?
you need to take the dead fish out... the live ones will produce enough waste to get your cylce started.
Awesome thanks, should i bother taking advantage of the 14 day guarentee? or will they probably just die if replaced?
i wouldn't replace the fish until the cycle is complete.. they will probably just die, as long as you have 2-5 fish in there , it should get your cycle going. Once your ammonia and nitrites are at zero, you can start adding fish slowly.. .one-two per week
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