Joey's Rimless 17 Gallon High Tech Build

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@Rivercats- I finally may have fixed the curling on the Rotala Macrandra. I don't know how I fixed it, but the leaves barely curl at all. They are larger and broader, too. The only thing I can think is just acclimation to a higher Gh.
@Rivercats- I finally may have fixed the curling on the Rotala Macrandra. I don't know how I fixed it, but the leaves barely curl at all. They are larger and broader, too. The only thing I can think is just acclimation to a higher Gh.

Each tanks chemistry is different and what works in one may not work in another so that being said either the plant acclimated to your tank or for whatever reason the Macrandra in your tank is liking a higher Gh.
Each tanks chemistry is different and what works in one may not work in another so that being said either the plant acclimated to your tank or for whatever reason the Macrandra in your tank is liking a higher Gh.

Yeah I'm not sure. Whatever it is I'm not complaining. Haha
Yeah I'm not sure. Whatever it is I'm not complaining. Haha

Hey your young, go to college and get a chemisty degree and then you can explain all the technical, not many people understand, stuff to everyone! My last chemistry class in college was in 78 so to say I don't remember jack is an understatement.
Hey your young, go to college and get a chemisty degree and then you can explain all the technical, not many people understand, stuff to everyone! My last chemistry class in college was in 78 so to say I don't remember jack is an understatement.

I've actually thought about that a lot. Major plant physiology like Tom Barr!
Hey your young, go to college and get a chemisty degree and then you can explain all the technical, not many people understand, stuff to everyone! My last chemistry class in college was in 78 so to say I don't remember jack is an understatement.

I'm seriously considering that as well - looks like I potentially have the skills for it, I'm 2 years advanced in math and got a 107% on my chemistry final last year :) Also been looking into marine biology.
I added an Oto tonight. He's making quick work of the green dust algae on the glass. The dust algae will eventually dissipate as the tank matures, correct? I will post pics in about a week. Letting things shape up first. :)
Perfect because I hate it. Janis, would you recommend more than one Oto?

Yes I would. At least 3 in your tank. They prefer being in groups and often are found close to one another or resting by each other. In the Nuvo 24g there are 6 Oto's and 6 Pygmy Multi Stripe Loaches and at least once a day the two groups actually school back and forth as a unit just like some tetra's. It highly amusing since I wonder do the Oto's think they are loaches or do the loaches think they're Oto's.
Yes I would. At least 3 in your tank. They prefer being in groups and often are found close to one another or resting by each other. In the Nuvo 24g there are 6 Oto's and 6 Pygmy Multi Stripe Loaches and at least once a day the two groups actually school back and forth as a unit just like some tetra's. It highly amusing since I wonder do the Oto's think they are loaches or do the loaches think they're Oto's.

That's pretty neat! I'll be sure to get some more then.
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