Large yellow snails

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 29, 2012
Ow do you care for these large snails?? I have a 35 gal tank, but they all die :(
Also, is the tank cycled? And what else do you have in with them? Can you post a pic of the snail in question? One last thing, do you have a test kit so you can give us your water parameters? Sorry for all the questions but it will help us figure out what is going on :)
Apple snail

They were apple snails. I dont have any right now. Didnt want to get any more until i know why they dont live. I had them in a 2 gal beta tank and also my 36 gal tank at different times. They have been with Angel fish and then community fish like Mollies. I had also fed them algie food
Go to - they have a lot of information on taking care of apple snails; best water parameters, appropriate tank mates, etc. They can be a lot more sensitive to things in the water than fish, and harder to keep healthy than most people realize - but worth it!

You need at least 2.5 gallons per snail. Bettas and angelfish will usually nip at them and keep them from eating. I'm not sure about mollies.

All of paytertot's questions are good ones.
Did you add any salt to your water? That will definetely kill your snails.
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Not always. I have a blue mystery snail in brackish water 1.005 and he's doing just fine...
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