Laying out my future plans, looking for pointers.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 13, 2012
Florida Panhandle
Hi all,

I Just started into the hobby and wanted to put my progress so far and where I think I want to go out there for everybody to comment and/or give feedback on. I was given a 55g tank in September and after collecting a couple things I started the tank in early October.

This is what I have so far:

55g Tank,
Penguin 350B filter (bio wheel)
Adjustable Heater-Tank is set at 75 and stays constant

pH is 8.0 and stable, seems high to me, but after doing some reading decided not to mess with it.

Currently I have 6 Rosy Barbs, 2 Dwarf Gouramis and a red tail shark.

I'm not sure what else I want to stock in the tank. I have been thinking that I would like to get some red cherry shrimp, Although I think that they could become and issue with the shark as it grows. Does anyone Know? Also I would like some idea of fish to research that I may be able to add in the future.

Its currently not planted, but I think I would like to try soon. Perhaps after the new year. I have a gravel substrate and just stock florescent lights. Even after reading the articles on the site I feel very lost as to where to start. I know that lights will need to be upgraded. I think I can just add new bulbs to my current hoods, but I don't know which ones etc. And there are so many choices for plants that its easy to get overwhelmed. I would like some pointers on where to start on transitioning to a planted aquarium.

Thanks everyone.
Hi and welcome to AA:) Plants to look for are Cryptocoryne and Anubius {this grows directly on wood or rocks}Java fern {not that I have ever got it to grow:oops:} Also plants like cabomba, hornwort and eleoda densa can and will grow not rooted. Cherry shrimps with the shark - risky but if they got plenty of hidey holes then could be OK? But maybe see if anyone else has done this first on here?
You could start now with plants that are low light tolerant. Swords, Crypts, Vals, Dwarf Sag, Narrowleaf Temple, and Ambulia are all ones you could start in your substrate now and would still be fine, even better once you upgrade your lights. Then for attaching to DW you could do Anubias, Java Ferns (regualar and Wendilov), and Bolbitus.

I would also invest in Root tabs and a good liquid fert such as Flouris Comprehensive that you could dose weekly after WC's. Then if down the road you want to upgrade lights and get alot more plants you can look into getting dry ferts which would be much cheaper. Also look into using Liquid Carbon or CO2 which will help you plants with photosynthesis and growth.
Where do you generally acquire driftwood? Would it be ok to just pick up some actual driftwood from the beach or nearby lake? If so how would you treat it prior to placing it in an aquarium?
I've always gotten mine from a fish store but you can collect it in the wild. If it comes from the beach you would need to research what you have to do to be sure all the salt is out of the wood before using it in the tank. Then for DW collected from freshwater you will need to boil and scrub the heck out of it and then boil it some more.
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