Lets make a nice 20 gal tank

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Lessee. I'd go with BioSpira. You actually aren't missing anything by using it, except waiting for the cycle to finish. It has the correct nitrifying bacteria and instatly cycles the tank. Just add it with ALL the fish and you're off and running. Of course you will need to test water parameters diligently; its works wonders, but there's always the chance of a defective bag.

If you buy all your fish from the same store at the same time, and they are going into the tank together, then no need to QT. They have likely all been exposed to the same pathogens. However, if you buy the fish bit by bit, or from different places, then QT is highly suggested as you don't want to treat ALL your fish if its not necessary. All my guys get 2 weeks except loaches; they get 3 as they are usually wild caught and can carry parasites.

As for what chemicals, a basic dechlorinator/dechloraminator. No need for anything fancy; fish don't need help with their slime coats or need electrolytes. Make sure you match temps before adding the new treated water to the tank. No need for ich meds; most ich can be treated with heat or a heat/salt combination. No salt if you have cories in the tank tho; they don't take well to it. I'd suggest having some antibiotic (Kanacyn) on hand, and I feed all my new fish Pepso food initially as its a medicated food for internal parasites and also has a little antibiotic in it.

I use sand in my planted tanks. You can easily use sand; when you gravel vac hold the siphon over the sand, just don't dig the siphon into the sand. If you use plastic plants I'd suggest aerating the sand with some pokes of a chopstick or maybe one of those fro combs (clean of course LOL) to keep anaerobic pockets from forming.

Lets see. I pick up most of my basic supplies from either Petsmart in Cortlandt Manor on rt 6, or order it online from www.bigals.com (big als is cheaper but takes longer to get of course). Animal Kingdom on 6 in Mahopac carries a good selection of foods; they are also the only place I found here that carries BioSpira. There's also Pet Connection on 117 in Mt Kisco, but they are expensive.

Some last thoughts. Keep the BioSpira cold; don't let it warm up. Angels are hardy buggers (I cycled my first tank with them before I got a clue).
I just checked out a couple of LFS and none seemed to have heard of Zebra Loaches. I saw some Clown Loaches, man are they cute, thought about grabbing a bigger tank but I've got no place to put it. Even one would be way too big for a 20 gal Long, right? The tiger barbs were nice, but I wouldn't want him nibbling at my Angel. Tough decisions....

Are there any more colorful cory cats around? I feel that with hatchets, cories, loaches and an angel my tank won't be too colorful, but maybe I'm wrong.

Thanks again for all of the help, you guys are great. :D
Depends on what you mean by colorful..? There are many patterned and shiny cories.
Most loaches are very patterened though not all have "colors".
Even the oddball X brand cories I have are colorful enough (copper bronze with black and white stripes) since they are never still. The penguin tetra are not many colored but striking. The clowns and SHerbert the betta are the only "colored" animals I have in my big tank. But more people watch that one than the bettas alone or the gourami.
Look at catfish world website under cories. There are 100s! I couldn't find my mystery cory pair. Though I found that the ones I originaly wanted that dropped in a vat of saltwater were flag tail pandas. Pattern, persoanlity and activity can make up for not having a rainbow of hues.
maybe get some ultra green ornamentation plants (silf or real) and do a black and white and silver tank. Get patterned and marbled and shiny fish of those species. Be cool pulleed together I bet!
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