lighting for zoas in 58gallon

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 17, 2008
I have a 58 gallon tank (36 x 18 x 24ish)
Been waiting to get the money to buy a good MH and T5HO fixture and that looks to be put off another 6 months or so.

Right now I have a PC fixture, 2 x 55w. Is this lighting adequate for zoas, green star polyps, or other softies if they are kept middle/up in the tank or should I wait?

searching the forum I saw lots of this type of question but all seemed to be on nano tanks.
I personally think you dont have enough. If it was 3 X 55 maybe but you are on the lower end of lighting. Really need those T5HO`s.
IME zoas and GSP will do what it takes to get the light. If you put them high up, they will survive, but probably not grow much if at all. Just know if they do root themselves high up in your tank, they will be hard to remove down the road. I might try and cultivate a frag on a MagRack high up and see how it does, then go from there.
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