Looking in Pensacola area...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 6, 2003
my brother's brother in law... or you could say my sister inlaw's brother... anyway, he's looking for a tank, I'm guessing used/cheap, that's about 50 gallons or over. I think the length of a 50-55 gallon is what he's looking for but wouldnt mind something a little deeper. Since I've gotten a few good deals my brother just happens to tell him about the tank I have and I might trade it or I could find one... well, I have been lucky before but I don't know about this... if anyone knows of anything let me know. I'm not sure yet if he's going fresh or salt but I'll let you know if I find out. He was willing to trade a really nice paintball gun for mine and I sure wouldnt mind it but I really need to set this tank up myself. So anyway, he's looking for something reasonable or to trade for a paintball gun...
I checked with my brother to see if his brother in-law is still looking, this is what he said...
"An auto-cocker. I think. It's nice, and expensive.
I think he'd be willing to trade,,,I think"

I'll let you know if I hear anything else but let me know if anyone knows of a decent sized tank in that area. I think he was interested in at least finding out if making one would be a possability but I'm not sure if he'd really be up for all the work in it.
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