Maintaining a sump...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 5, 2011
Wichita Ks
Can filter socks just be cleaned rather than replaced? Either way, how often??
Just rinse it out in old tank water. You still need to clean every part of a sump like a regular filter. I clean mine every few weeks
Some put it in their washing machine & others use bleach...

The way I do it.....

I clean mine every week. I take it outside & use the garden hose to blast away most of the brown stains, I believe organic matter. I first do it inside out (where the water goes in first), then the other way. You will still see brown stain still all over the sock.

Over night soaking:
Now, I get a bucket & fill it with water & add hydrogen peroxide. The peroxide i added right on the sock (reverse side/inside out) You can use the peroxide they sell over the counter but it's not as strong, but work just take maybe a full day.

I use 28% peroxide since I am able to get when i need it. Anyway, when the peroxide hits the sock it turns white, if you still see brown on it I just leave it over night. Next day, i rinse it with water very well & hang it outside to dry. When I change socks, I bring it in & when when i dosing the aquarium after cleaning it, i put it in a bucket with prime for extra measure.
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