My 36 gallon bow front (all in one) thread

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Gboy66 said:
I think you could mayb put ur cardinals up to 10 though and get 6 cories or 2 plecs

Ill probably get plecos. Idk about adding more cardinales
Ya i was thinking about another school and wasnt sure if you could, with a breeding pair and all. Also, are female angels more aggresive? You might want to shoot for 2 females
Fishkeeper88 said:
i have a few details about my 36 gallon bowfront that may help you.... that is if you are interested?

Sure! Im all ears (more like eyes if im reading)
Gboy66 said:
Ya i was thinking about another school and wasnt sure if you could, with a breeding pair and all. Also, are female angels more aggresive? You might want to shoot for 2 females

I am not sure which gender of angels is more aggressive... I might just get two male or 2 female gbrs.
Ok, I think I have the stocking list revised.
-x1 pair of german blue rams
-x2 (same gender) angels. (Album or normal? Not sure which one to get...)
-x2 bristlenose plecos or x6 corys or x5 ottos
-x6 or 10 cardinal tetras
-x? Glow light tetras (how many?)
-glofish (danio) how many? And what kind of light do they need to actually glow? Or do they just need regular lighting?
What about glofish? Can someone answer the question about them that I posted above? Thanks
Could I do a pair of cockatoo apistos instead of german blue rams?
maxwellag said:
Could I do a pair of cockatoo apistos instead of german blue rams?

I would actually recommend them I've never had blues but I know cockatoo's are way hardier than they are.
Sharkbait54 said:
I would actually recommend them I've never had blues but I know cockatoo's are way hardier than they are.

Ok. Would they still work with 2 angels and a school of cardinals tetras and 2 bristlenose plecos and (either) a school of glofish or a school or glow light tetras? Wait are glofish even big enough to avoid being eaten by the angels?
maxwellag said:
Ok. Would they still work with 2 angels and a school of cardinals tetras and 2 bristlenose plecos and (either) a school of glofish or a school or glow light tetras?

I have mine in a 25gH with 7 neons, 6 blackskirt tetras. So ur cardinals are ok plecos really get along with any 1 and you have room for more smaller tetras. As for the angels they stay up top while the cockatoo's stay at the bottom so I really don't see any conflict there. But remember they are cichlids so it all depends on temperament. I would do it tho ;)
Ok. Would they still work with 2 angels and a school of cardinals tetras and 2 bristlenose plecos and (either) a school of glofish or a school or glow light tetras? Wait are glofish even big enough to avoid being eaten by the angels?
Glowlight tetras are too small. Glofish should reach 2 inches, so they should be ok.
absolutangel04 said:
Glowlight tetras are too small. Glofish should reach 2 inches, so they should be ok.

Ok, but I am still not sure about paying 5$ per glofish (eek) but that's just for glofish. For other fish like angels, I wouldn't want to spend more than 10$ per angel.
What if I got some glofish and they were young, like an inch or less long... would the angels eat them?
Sharkbait54 said:
I have mine in a 25gH with 7 neons, 6 blackskirt tetras. So ur cardinals are ok plecos really get along with any 1 and you have room for more smaller tetras. As for the angels they stay up top while the cockatoo's stay at the bottom so I really don't see any conflict there. But remember they are cichlids so it all depends on temperament. I would do it tho ;)

Ok, do you think I could have one cockatoo and one german blue ram?
Ok, but I am still not sure about paying 5$ per glofish (eek) but that's just for glofish. For other fish like angels, I wouldn't want to spend more than 10$ per angel.
What if I got some glofish and they were young, like an inch or less long... would the angels eat them?
The angels pose a greater risk to other fish as the angel's mouth gets bigger. Some people get angels to live with tiny tetras by raising them together since the angels are tiny. Most of the time though, that still backfires eventually. Not always, but usually. So, if you are saying you want tiny glofish, then yes the angels will probably eat them if their mouths are big enough. So, if you get the tiny glofish when the angels are babies, then you should be ok because by the time the angels are big enough to eat the glofish, the glofish will be too bog to swallow.
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