My 5 gallon dwarf seahorse tank build

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Thanks. I'll get to that later this week. Im going to take a parameter test tomorrow, let's hope I have some ammonia.
Hmmm I was told I think by dylan I wanted to do a sea hoarse only tank and he said my 10 gallon wasn't big enough for anykind what's up with that this was what was said

Originally Posted by ryan-peddle
I was also thinking a seahorse tank is there any small one that I can get as a pair in my tank they would be the only thing in there of course
Seahorses need a species only tank IMO. The smallest they go is a pair of kudas, but they need 15 gallons per pair.
Hmmm I was told I think by dylan I wanted to do a sea hoarse only tank and he said my 10 gallon wasn't big enough for anykind what's up with that this was what was said

Originally Posted by ryan-peddle
I was also thinking a seahorse tank is there any small one that I can get as a pair in my tank they would be the only thing in there of course
Seahorses need a species only tank IMO. The smallest they go is a pair of kudas, but they need 15 gallons per pair.


Well he is right, I wouldn't put any regular sized seahorse in a 10 gallon. These dwarf ones need a lot of extra care and you also need to have a food supply tank set up since they only eat live foods, you also need something to feed the food supply that is high in nutrition, lots of work. Seahorses are happier in species only tanks since they don't get stressed out by the other fish, something like those little gobys would probably do fine since they don't move around a lot and are very very peaceful. I have lots of other fish in with my seahorses but I am not planning on breeding them (they are all female anyways) and all the fish are pretty peaceful.
Well cool you should do some research on them and start a build thread! They breed really easily and you can have a lot in a tank at once, their young are also the easiest of the seahorse babies to raise from what I've read.
LOL. Sorry Ryan. Besides the fact they need extra care, you were talking about a seahorse pair in a ten gallon. You would need a large group of dwarf seahorses because they are very social creatures. But yeah I should have mentioned it.
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P.m. me anything I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
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Ammonia: either below or above .25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0

Could I still cycle with ammonia so low?
Depending on whether or not you got cured rock you may see nothing but a small cycle.

Do you know whether or not you got cured?
I think I may have got cured. A small cycle? Would I still be cycled and ready for tank inhabitants?

I've also heard mixed information on people saying you need cured rock. Does this just minimize the amount of hitchhikers?

Ammonia is actually almost at .50.
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I read your thread yesterday. I am amazed by your patience and frequest water testing to prepare a comfortable home for the dwarf seahorses. You set a goal for yourself, and I give you a big (y) for doing things the right way.

Nice job!
A mini-cycle, since the rock you got would've already been perfectly safe for livestock. You then exposed it to air and had some die-off, then you put it back in your tank and have a small cycle and you'll be ready for fish

Cured rock is completely cycled rock basically
Mr. Crabs said:
I read your thread yesterday. I am amazed by your patience and frequest water testing to prepare a comfortable home for the dwarf seahorses. You set a goal for yourself, and I give you a big (y) for doing things the right way.

Nice job!

Thanks I really want these little guys.:D
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iDream said:
A mini-cycle, since the rock you got would've already been perfectly safe for livestock. You then exposed it to air and had some die-off, then you put it back in your tank and have a small cycle and you'll be ready for fish

Cured rock is completely cycled rock basically

Cool. Thanks Idream!
Got my filter today. Time to set it up. May take a while, I'm exhausted. :b
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