My angels won't spawn (calling all experienced angel breeders)

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I got mine back in May, and they're a decent size now, too. But it's not even really growth that I'm looking fir so much as maturity. I'm trying to get a new pair before Christmas, and have this tank at end result by new year's, as it'll be the time I'll be able to enjoy it. I'm not trying to come across as impatient, I just feel like I already have a year into this angel game without anything to show for it but a troubled pair

Breeding angels takes a lot of patience and experience but gets easier when you get the hang of it.
WOW, as an ex commercial Angelfish breeder, I've read a few things on this thread I highly question as to being true. #1- while it is easier to let nature create your pairs, I frequently MADE pairs when a mate died or became too aggressive or infertile. Mating for life is highly questionable. #2- I preferred to actually make my pairs wait to spawn until they were at least 1 year old ( they can start at about 8 months) so that they produced larger eggs which in turn created larger fry ( which were easier to feed and keep alive.) #3- It's not too unusual for one of the pair to hold grudges towards their mate for things like eating a spawn or improperly spawning. Sometimes this gets "fixed" over time and sometimes not and the pair is best split up.
There is a thread under the breeding forum titled " Wigglers at last" that may be of help to the OP. Along with some current breeders and people starting to breed Angels, I think we have covered almost all problems concerning breeding Angelfish on the thread and it is still going. I'm even restarting a breeding program again myself and have just purchased some of my future breeders. I have also mentored some other AAers with breeding Angels and by using my tried and true methods, are seeing great results.

Hope this helps
I realize that things with quality take time. Being in a rush can meet with disappointment. I am in the hobby for the fun of it...not the the profit or lack there of. On the other hand I have been luck to have had a many successful spawns. I wasn't trying...some natural things just came togehter in my case. Good luck.
I realize that things with quality take time. Being in a rush can meet with disappointment. I am in the hobby for the fun of it...not the the profit or lack there of. On the other hand I have been luck to have had a many successful spawns. I wasn't trying...some natural things just came togehter in my case. Good luck.

This brings to mind a conversation I had had with my Mentor ( a certified Ichthyologist) regarding breeding fish. I too was having some unexplained successes with certain fish and because I was still young and inquizative ( I was about 10 at the time, if I remember correctly ;)) I kept hounding him as to why these things were happening so I could duplicate them again. They were not going along with the instruction in my books! He looked me dead in the eye and in a serious tone said " Andy, sometimes, there is no substitution for dumb luck." lol I have kept that with me and used it in modified fashions for over 40 years. :lol: It's so true. Not every fish reads the book ( or now a days, reads their webpage :brows:)

Please know that I was not critisizing but addressing some statements on this thread that I know to be untrue. It's how we learn. (y)
If I can be of any help, feel free to pm me :)
Just out of curiosity, I took the Amazon Sword leaf that had my latest spawn and placed it in a jar with holes in the top, filled the jar with tank water and put it back into the tank. The parents were none too happy, but I have about 40 wigglers now. I am not worried about them being eaten by the parents or other fish. I imagine that in 3-5 days they will be free swimmers. Think I will keep them in the jar, remove the sword leaf and feed with baby brine shrimp for a few days. After that, I think I will give the free swimmers back to the breeder. W/C due again tonight, which I will do around 7PM. Did my plant scaping today...removed dead leaves and leaves covered with BB algae. Tank temp is 82-84 degrees. Holding tank water is 84 with a trickle thhough peat and indian almond leaves. I make about 64 gallons per day of tis water and use in both my Angel and Discus tanks. Any other suggestions anyone????
Just out of curiosity, I took the Amazon Sword leaf that had my latest spawn and placed it in a jar with holes in the top, filled the jar with tank water and put it back into the tank. The parents were none too happy, but I have about 40 wigglers now. I am not worried about them being eaten by the parents or other fish. I imagine that in 3-5 days they will be free swimmers. Think I will keep them in the jar, remove the sword leaf and feed with baby brine shrimp for a few days. After that, I think I will give the free swimmers back to the breeder. W/C due again tonight, which I will do around 7PM. Did my plant scaping today...removed dead leaves and leaves covered with BB algae. Tank temp is 82-84 degrees. Holding tank water is 84 with a trickle thhough peat and indian almond leaves. I make about 64 gallons per day of tis water and use in both my Angel and Discus tanks. Any other suggestions anyone????

2 suggestions: make sure you do water changes in the jar after feeding the fry as the pollution level in the jar will rise once you start feeding the fry.
If you are trying to save the fry, I would not put them back in with the breeders as they are no longer viewed by the parent's as "theirs" and will most likely be eaten. ;)

You didn't mention aeration in the jar. Now that the eggs have hatched, they do need aeration in the jar as well ( unless you have good water circulation through the jar and tank.)
Good luck with your new babies :D (y)
The tank has great circulation but the jar just has tiny holes for now. I will make the holes in the jar (lid) bigger when I go the next few W/C. I am a little worried about the little buggers getting out and becoming food. I have a small air stone which I can add to the lid and a gang valve to control the flow. W/C with the jar can be accomplished with a turkey baster...out with the jar with the tank water.....what do you think?
Is the jar in the breeder tank? If so, are the parents still guarding the jar? If they are, then the fry should be fine back with them
I have wigglers right now...but the parents are guarding the jar. They are pretty pissed at me...They are glaring at me from across the room (LOL). I will do a W/C this lights again and who knows...maybe another spawn by morning. I want to increase O2 to the jar...I just have to figure it out without making the jar float or creating too much current. Maybe purring the jar in my sump is the answer. It has lots of current and O2.
Then if they guard the jar and subsequently the fry, then they never lost the fry and would know that they are their own. But, just in case, I'd put just one or two at first to see how the parents react to it
Can you blame her? Fish are a spectacular sight, especially when ones lucky enough to witness cichlid parenting
If you have a separate tank, once the fry become free swimming, they can go into that other tank. With Angels, once the eggs hatch, the need for the parents is for nothing more than protection from other fish. The irony to that is that it is very common for Angel parents to eat their fry when they are preparing to spawn again showing us that they really do not need to tend to their fry for long.
My bigger concern is for the water quality in the jar. I've used 1 gal jars before to hatch out my eggs. All they needed were an air stone and a heater ( or access to a temp controlled room or water tank.) By the second day of feeding on their own, they were transferred into a 10 gal tank with a cycled sponge filter and heater until they were large enough to go into the grow out tanks/ vats. Water quality is an Angel Fry's biggest concern, then comes food. Not being with their parents is far from a concern ;)

Hope this helps
Got a net box today and added the wigglers there. The parents are pissed but still on guard duty. A few or the wigglers are fry now and are starting to free swim around the sword leaf I cut off. I am trying white mosquito larvae (frozen) as I cant get hold of baby brine shrimp until next weekend. Guy at the LFS said that would work for now, just add microscopic portions to keep from fowling the water and encouraging fungus. My water flow through the net box is really good.
Got a net box today and added the wigglers there. The parents are pissed but still on guard duty. A few or the wigglers are fry now and are starting to free swim around the sword leaf I cut off. I am trying white mosquito larvae (frozen) as I cant get hold of baby brine shrimp until next weekend. Guy at the LFS said that would work for now, just add microscopic portions to keep from fowling the water and encouraging fungus. My water flow through the net box is really good.

Good luck. Keep us posted on your progress (y)
dwayne, aqua star sells brine shrimp eggs if you hatch them yourself. the only place in the area that I know sells it.
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