My angels won't spawn (calling all experienced angel breeders)

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COOL water. Ohhhhh...I never tried that. I'd done that for my cories to get them to spawn but I never thought to try that on cichlids. That would be the thing to do, because here in summer even without heaters it rarely drops below 80 Fahrenheit. Cool water might work. So cool water, new arrangement, and cooling water changes. Should it be frequent and small or infrequent and large?
I turned the blue LEDs on again last night and as usual, I had a spawn of about 200 eggs today. There is the normal territorial issue, but the tank divider does it's job once again. If I am not mistaken, this is my 3rd spawn this month (May) alone. I swear that I am doing nothing special other than my water changes and renewing my carbon from the canister pumps every 3-4 weeks. I feed a variety of both frozen and dry foods (mostly dried blood worms) and fresh frozen brine shrimp, Krill daily, and metro flake 3X per month as a preventative against disease. The only thing I do different is leave the blue LEDs on over night. I left them on last night out of curiosity, but as is normal I had a spawn last night. I will be glad to provide more detailed information if you need it. D
My water changes are 20 gallons at a time (3X per week or 60 of 75 gallons). I do W/C at night and run an airstone until the next morning. Blue light at night and I have eggs every morning.
Hope this helps.....D
The blue LEDs plus the nightly water change. That makes even more sense now, because it could be triggered by either or, or a combination of the two
Hearing that angels spawn for life is new to me. One of my angels changed her mate from her first breeding that was a success to her second spawn that was yesterday. She is a normal silver and black her first spawn was with a smokey blue and now she paired up with a marble koi.
Hearing that angels spawn for life is new to me. One of my angels changed her mate from her first breeding that was a success to her second spawn that was yesterday. She is a normal silver and black her first spawn was with a smokey blue and now she paired up with a marble koi.

Strange that she changed mates. They usually stay partners till they die.
They've been together for months. And it used to be that they tried to spawn more than they fought, but now the males stripes stay jet black and they fight almost incessantly. If I don't do something the females gonna die, so I'm gonna have to raise some more and pair them.
They've been together for months. And it used to be that they tried to spawn more than they fought, but now the males stripes stay jet black and they fight almost incessantly. If I don't do something the females gonna die, so I'm gonna have to raise some more and pair them.

Maybe that pair is an exception to the "pair for life" rule. If the female seems like she is going to die any day, separate them. Get some more angels and make another pair.
It seems that this pairing is incompatible. In nature where animals are free to choose their mates will overlook certain prospective partners to find a more suitable companion. It's likely this pair are unsuited but their inate need to reproduce is confusing to them so they fight. I would give up on this pairing and swap one of them.
Yea. I grew them for a year, and I'm gonna miss them but I'm going to start from scratch I suppose, because I don't I could find any decently sized angels locally
That sucks when you put so much time into them hoping for a good match. It shouldn't take too long get going again. I've had angels the size of a 20 cent piece ( a quarter in america ) pair up within 3 months. So hang in there :)
Yea. I grew them for a year, and I'm gonna miss them but I'm going to start from scratch I suppose, because I don't I could find any decently sized angels locally

Really!? The lfs doesn't sell angels! So that means you have to order online or try to find some one Craigslist?
That sucks when you put so much time into them hoping for a good match. It shouldn't take too long get going again. I've had angels the size of a 20 cent piece ( a quarter in america ) pair up within 3 months. So hang in there :)

It really does suck when that kind of thing happens. Just when you least expect it, the worst happens. :(
I surely wouldn't say that the angels not spawning is the worst thing that could happen. Disappointing maybe.

I was kinda exaggerating. Worst thing that can happen is when an expensive fish dies within a month in tank or the tank cracks and leaks water everywhere or something like that.
My Angels have never paired with the same partner. I have a Koi Angel that will pair with anyone, as well as 4 marbles that are pretty freaky as well. I sometimes have site prepping (clearing off spots on leaves and rocks) going on at two or three sites at the same time. I never knew that Angels paired for life...if that is true...My Angels skipped that sermon (LOL). D
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