My first thread, am I over stocking?

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I'm afraid that I disagree. It's about swimming space, not total water volume so I don't care if there is a 200G sump. 7 Chromis in a 55G with 90# of rock have to be cramped. Not to mention the inverts....
I do agree, that is why I suggested bigger for the tang, my chromis all school at the top of the tank away from the rock, of course I only have 60 lbs which covered the lower half of my 55
so lack of swimming space.

So are my fish going to get stressed out then do you think? Or will their fins get jacked up or something. I need to know how this is going to hurt my fish? , maybe I should just hock the 55 and switch to something bigger.
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So are my fish going to get stressed out then do you think? Or will their fins get jacked up or something. I need to know how this is going to hurt my fish? ****, maybe I should just hock the 55 and switch to something bigger.

Ahhhh yes....welcome to the trap.....something bigger.....yes somthing bigger my precious.

The thing that no one has touched on is that your fish will grow. Your tiny wrasse will get alot bigger not to mention your other fish. That in the long run is your problem. If you care so much about your fishes health I would take a few back and then decide which ones you want most.
lets see if this works

Ok, I'm attempting to upload my photos as a file. We'll see if this works.


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I was asking the question because I thought maybe I was too ambitious, with how good it looks right now I thought it's got to be good. I really like my tank and I just want to do what's best for the whole system.
It looks great. You should be good to go for the near future. That overflow box looks a bit small. Have you had any problems with it?
It looks great. You should be good to go for the near future. That overflow box looks a bit small. Have you had any problems with it?

thus far not really, I had to adjust it a little. Yeah if I can't keep my water quality straight or the fish start fighting I'll take a few out and get store credit towards some coral... or maybe a bigger tank.

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