My marbel angle fish laid eggs! Neat.

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Good news. How many swimmers u got then? Not heard from anyone else yet, thought we might have another brood from someone. Wonder if I get more eggs this week! If I do and I can keep my swimmers alive, think il give parents a go themselves
nice. I just pulled a few from my pair again also,I left them with about 50 and took about 40-50 and dumped them into a tank with some they had last week. My other tank with the 3 week olds is doing o.k., down to about 20-25 fish from the hundred+, but otherwise all is well. Considering a growout in a much larger tank for more stable water conditions, I bet it'll raise the growout survival rate.
jetajockey said:
nice. I just pulled a few from my pair again also,I left them with about 50 and took about 40-50 and dumped them into a tank with some they had last week. My other tank with the 3 week olds is doing o.k., down to about 20-25 fish from the hundred+, but otherwise all is well. Considering a growout in a much larger tank for more stable water conditions, I bet it'll raise the growout survival rate.

That's what I want to do, how did u remove the eggs. Also what u feeding them?
They always lay eggs on amazon sword leaves so I just clip the leaves (while getting attacked) and move them to a new tank.

I feed them microworms and powdered fry food, if I'm not feeling lazy I make baby brine shrimp as well.
Cool hey i know this was probably asked before but how do u tell male from female? Sorry...
Yea very nice! I love the sailfin/ballon mollie! Very nice!!!! Also im getting angels! Cant wait!
Update for all, good and bad

The bad. Came home to find my latest batch of angel eggs all missing from pipe. All eaten by something. Parents still trying to guard it but alas. Think the small plec got them.

Good news. My first batch of 15 survivors born on the 11th september are today starting to look like angels. Getting taller and I can see the long fins starting to form. They are sooooo cute. Recent batch I think are starting to feed so hopefully I can save 20 or so.

Also White cloud minnows fry are still alive. And also I have 20 or so mixed mollies. Only one White lyre tail. It was showing some damage on fins so hospitalised. Then came home to find 15 little lyre tails swimming about!!!

Like the mollies zp
Cichildlife said:
Yea very nice! I love the sailfin/ballon mollie! Very nice!!!! Also im getting angels! Cant wait!

I though you only had a 20? Very cool!!
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