My planted tanks

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The tank cleared up this morning. I'm still debating the anubias. It may become a house plant rather than an aquarium plant.

Laeris, I can't wait for it to grow in. Everything had just started growing when I had to rip it down. Hopefully I didn't do too much damage and it will start growing again. I've read the c. helferi don't like to be moved and will die off when moved and I witnessed that happen when I placed them in this tank the first time. I had 6 big clumps and now I'm down to a few small fronds.

Clearer than the first time I set it up.


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Been awhile since I posted the 6g. I added diy root tabs about 2 weeks ago. The swords are already putting out new leaves and so are the crypts. Having an MTS explosion lately (which is ok because I'll be plucking some out for the 10g when it is finished cycling since I had to kill the ones in the 10g due to parasitic flatworms). Haven't been overfeeding Fred so I'm guessing the explosion is due to something else.

Having some fin rot issues with Fred at the moment. Not sure why. I've been dosing him with Betta revive and he's perked up but his top fin is still turning grey and falling away. Thought it might be a water quality issue but ammonia 0, nitrites 0, and nitrates 0. Way too many plants for 1 betta to produce enough nitrate to keep them all. I'm guessing it is something bacterial or fungal and might be looking into something other than the betta revive.


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2 weeks after redoing the infested tank and the f-ing midges are back! I don't even know how. The house is clear and I broke that tank down and bleached and pp the whole thing! I even threw away the old substrate thinking that was the problem! Maybe my best bet is to just do away with this tank. I've never had so many problems!
Are you certain these are midge flies? Are they flying around the tank or do you see larvae in the water? Midge flies resemble mosquitos but are smaller.
Do you have house plants? Fungus gnats can be a pest of potted plants.

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I'll get a picture of them this evening. They are small and neon green. They fly around inside the tank in the space between the water and the hood. They lay larvae in the water and are active when the hood light is on. I have 1 potted plant in a different room that barely gets watered. It is a tropical plant (anthurium) that has to have dry spells to flourish and there's not any fungus or mold on it. I also have a bamboo plant that has barely any water in it. Maybe they came from the bamboo plant. I move that around the house because it I haven't found a place I like for it.

The midges are only in this tank I have 2 other tanks in the same room and they have no midges. I have a 3 tank in a different room and there's nothing in that tank either.
Been awhile since I posted the 6g. I added diy root tabs about 2 weeks ago. The swords are already putting out new leaves and so are the crypts. Having an MTS explosion lately (which is ok because I'll be plucking some out for the 10g when it is finished cycling since I had to kill the ones in the 10g due to parasitic flatworms). Haven't been overfeeding Fred so I'm guessing the explosion is due to something else.

Having some fin rot issues with Fred at the moment. Not sure why. I've been dosing him with Betta revive and he's perked up but his top fin is still turning grey and falling away. Thought it might be a water quality issue but ammonia 0, nitrites 0, and nitrates 0. Way too many plants for 1 betta to produce enough nitrate to keep them all. I'm guessing it is something bacterial or fungal and might be looking into something other than the betta revive.

Sorry to hear about all this mess. I certainly think an infection is going on here since water quality is pristine.

Maybe a salt bath is in order?

If I could catch him I would. He's in a heavily planted edge and has finally figured out a way to hide under the driftwood. He really is a stinker about leaving his tank now that he never gets moved. I may try to hand capture him instead of trying the net again. I just worry about over stressing him and giving him some other type of issue (I'm fairly certain this is what lead to the female getting ich).

I have some Melafix that was sold to me when I bought him and I've been debating adding that to the tank to see if that may help heal the fins. It has now moved to his anal fin but looks like the dorsal rot may have slowed. He did perk up when I added the herbal betta revive so I'm thinking that it is definitely an infection. The crazy thing is that the tank which was clean but did have a little algea on the suction cups of the heater is now spotless. The tank looks cleaner than when I do thorough cleanings. I have been cleaning his filter every two weeks now (rinsing everything in removed tank water and scrubbing down the housing and impeller). I'm hoping that will help to heal him up as well.
Fresh2o here is a dead bug floating on the water. I couldn't find any flying around to take a picture of. I'll see if I can find some when I turn the lights on later. But they are small and when alive they are the color of a lime. They lay their larvae in the water and then the larvae float at the surface until they mature and emerge from the water. I have no clue what they are feeding on nor how they are thriving even after I bleached the tank with full strength bleach that I left overnight.


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I use IAL for fin rot. Never found melafix very effective. IAL isn't scientifically proven but that's what all the Thai bettas breeders use as well at the big USA breeders

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Thanks, brennae. I'll see if I can find some. The driftwood is still releasing tannins in the tank and it doesn't seem to be enough.

I figured the Melafix would act more as an antiseptic to keep what's there cleaner (like using peroxide on us). The only time I've actually used Melafix in his tank was back when he had a smaller tank and the anubias started rotting (new ones would rot in 3 days) and we had a pink slime bacteria issue with the water here. I was hoping then that it would kill off the pink bacteria.
Fresh2o here is a dead bug floating on the water. I couldn't find any flying around to take a picture of. I'll see if I can find some when I turn the lights on later. But they are small and when alive they are the color of a lime. They lay their larvae in the water and then the larvae float at the surface until they mature and emerge from the water. I have no clue what they are feeding on nor how they are thriving even after I bleached the tank with full strength bleach that I left overnight.

I would figure the larvae would serve as a food source for this fish. That's is assuming the fish explore areas where the larvae are found.

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There aren't any fish in there yet. I disinfected everything in the tank when I tore it down and restarted my cycle. It is only 2 weeks into the new cycle so it'll be a bit before the female betta and 2 ADF go in.

I have figured out that the bugs and larvae don't do well in cold so I've unplugged the heater and I'm turning my thermostat down to freeze them out. The other tanks in the house have their own heaters so they should be fine for awhile with the ambient temp low and if the temps drop too low in my other tanks I have extra heaters to add to keep the temp around 78-80 (all 3 tanks have different temps). This 10g has been a PITA though. I've noticed that there are now planaria, seed shrimp, and detritus worms in it as well again. If it follows the same time line as it did the first time and gets worse then I'm calling this tank cursed and giving it away and going and buying a new 10g.
Fresh2o, I should mention this tank was given to me by a man who got out of fish keeping (never mentioned why) and it has not seen any fish since before that man gave in on aquariums. Part of me is wondering if maybe this "wildlife" situation is from the tank and were able to survive a dry tank, vinegar, and bleach. I scrubbed it with vinegar when I first got it and I just recently did the bleach. I had originally thought all had come from java moss that I purchased from a lfs but I did a strong pp dip for 30-45 minutes on the plants during breakdown so I don't think everything is coming from the plants. If I can't control this then I think I may go the route of just growing the plants in a Rubbermaid tub until I can replace the tank and can add the fish/ADF. This tank is just a dang nightmare.
Tres bizarre! I'm wondering if the tank was doomed before you got it. I don't know how they survived bleach. That in and of its self scares me.

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Very odd regarding the outbreak of wildlife in there. Most of those would/should not survive the treatments to the tank.
Maybe a fresh start is in order. All new everything.

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I'm thinking this tank may be doomed. In my other tanks I haven't had any "wildlife" and I use the same water, ferts, and conditioners as this tank so I know the only other possible issues would be the tank, plants, or driftwood. But with the way I disinfected everything during the breakdown I don't see how any of this survived.
Well I did a pwc on all tanks except the 10g. I'm not changing the water on that until after the 18th (that's when I'll have time to give it a deep clean).

I tried to give the betta in the 6g a salt dip to help with his fin rot and that was a definite no go. He swam and hid under everything and then laid in the back of his Terra cotta pot so I gave up but I did stick a whole IAL in to help it. He has maybe a 1/2 inch left to his dorsal fin now and I'm not sure what else to do for him because I can't catch him with all the plants in the tank. I may head to the pet store tomorrow and see if I can't find some type of medication to help him before it can hit his body.

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