New and need help stocking 10G

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 29, 2005

I'm kind of new to all of this and was looking around the internet for some help and came across this forum. I've found some great info but was hoping I could ask a specific question and get some feedback.

I'm looking for some advice on stocking a 10G. I currently have 2 serpae tetras but think I need to get 3-4 more to set up a schooling situation. What I want to know is what else would be good to put in this tank or will I have room for anything else? I had thought of a dwarf gourami but I'm not sure if these would be compatible.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
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Well, is your tank fully cycled? How long have you had your tetras in there?

I would suggest, if your tank is cycled, to get 5 tetras total. And if your filtration is good, then *maybe* a dwarf gourami. Because with 5 tetras you have 10in of fish.. so you don't want to push your stocking limit too quickly.. or too much.
you might want to look at ghost shrimp or african dwarf frogs once your tank is cycled (or now if it is already cycled).
Serpae tetras can get up to 1.3" in length while dwarf gouramis can get up to 3.5". If you get a total of six of the former and one of the latter that would put you at just over 11" of total fish length which pretty much maxes out your tank if you abide by the 1" per gallon rule. There is a potential problem in that Serpae tetras can be nippy if not kept in large schools so you might want to skip getting the Gourami.
i would recommend 4-5 serpae total. Then maybe a couple of albino cories for the bottem. I agree that the serpaes are known for being nippy.
5 serpaes, 6 ghost shrimp, and 1 gourami should be okay with about 25% PWC every week.
I doubt that there will be a difference in behaviour between a group of 5 and a group of 6? I keep three serpaes with my guppies and have seen no nipping behaviour.
Thank you everyone for your replies. I have had the tetras for 3 weeks but honestly I didn't learn that I needed to cycle the tank until just recently so I know I need to buy water test kit and check that out before I add anything else.

It kind of sounds like getting a gourami may be pushing the limits of the tank. I guess I'll have to think about that one a bit more. Anyone else have any other suggestions of good tankmates? The albino cory was suggested, as well as the ghost shrimp. Is something along the lines of one of these a good idea in order to help keep the tank clean?

Another question, do I need to buy some sort of algae eater?

Sorry for so many newbie questions, but I really want to get this right without having my fish suffer in the process.

you tank will be cycled by now. Just make sure you add fish slowly so it doesn't have to re-cycle (when the ammonia output becomes too much for the bacteria to handle)
Well, if you don't have any algae problems in the tank, then you don't need an algae eater.
I chose ghost shrimp over cory cats because they are smaller, but unlike cories will also eat algae.
Thanks for the advice. I have a question about the ghost shrimp. Do they contribute the same load to the tank that fish do? In other words, does 1 inch of shrimp equal 1 inch of fish using up 1 gal of capacity?

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