New coral

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 29, 2012
I picked this up yesterday and the guy was unsure of what it was and he threw it in for free since I spent so much any ideas?

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Cool thanks guys. Trying to find nice stuff to fill the sand bed.

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I personally like fungias. They have a mind of their own though, don't leave anything that can sting near them, cause they might wander into it ._. That's how I lost my pinwheel fungia.
For the sand bed I really like my elegance coral. It's overpowering a few things in this picture as I had nowhere for it to go until I moved things around but they're pretty gorgeous.


I also just love my orange plate coral. Neat sand bed touch. Sits right beside my clam which is also pretty cool.

I moved it the day after I had just brought a box of corals home from a flight and had gotten in at 1am so just dropped everything in there after acclimating (and snapping a few photos lol) and went to bed lol.

And by hardy the sponge survived being covered in Dino algae and hair algae and everything until I got it under control haha
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