Aquarium Advice Newbie
First time poster, long time reader!
I have a new 55g FOWLER setup and after adding the first fish I have a few questions about my overall stocking plan and the order I should add them.
One questions first: I have seen in other posts that some people have a Regal Blue Tang and a Yellow Tang together in a 55g. I thought the general rule was one tang per tank. Is this correct? Do you recommend against it? If possible I would love to have both of those fish.
55g long
2 powerheads
50 lbs LR
1-2" LS Substrate
Protein Skimmer
Trickle filter w/sponge and carbon insert
Current Stocking List:
2 emerald crabs
4 nassarius snails
1 hermit crab (small) - unknown, came with LR
1 cleaner shrimp (big)
1 Clown Fish
Hopefull Additions:
1 Flame Angel
1 Regal Blue Tang
1 Yellow Tang (if possible to keep with regal tang)
1 gobie/blenny - best type to sift the sand. recommendations?
If the two tangs can't go together what recommendations to you have to get some "yellow" in the tank. I looked at a yellow clown goby, are they good sand sifters? And would the cleaner shrimp bother him because he is so small?
Lastly, what order would you add the list. Ive read to add the Angel last. Thank you for any answers, recommendations and help about my tank setup or fish selection. This site has been a great reference in making the move from planted freshwater to saltwater!!
I have a new 55g FOWLER setup and after adding the first fish I have a few questions about my overall stocking plan and the order I should add them.
One questions first: I have seen in other posts that some people have a Regal Blue Tang and a Yellow Tang together in a 55g. I thought the general rule was one tang per tank. Is this correct? Do you recommend against it? If possible I would love to have both of those fish.
55g long
2 powerheads
50 lbs LR
1-2" LS Substrate
Protein Skimmer
Trickle filter w/sponge and carbon insert
Current Stocking List:
2 emerald crabs
4 nassarius snails
1 hermit crab (small) - unknown, came with LR
1 cleaner shrimp (big)
1 Clown Fish
Hopefull Additions:
1 Flame Angel
1 Regal Blue Tang
1 Yellow Tang (if possible to keep with regal tang)
1 gobie/blenny - best type to sift the sand. recommendations?
If the two tangs can't go together what recommendations to you have to get some "yellow" in the tank. I looked at a yellow clown goby, are they good sand sifters? And would the cleaner shrimp bother him because he is so small?
Lastly, what order would you add the list. Ive read to add the Angel last. Thank you for any answers, recommendations and help about my tank setup or fish selection. This site has been a great reference in making the move from planted freshwater to saltwater!!