New to the site : Acceptable stocking for a 10 gallon.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 24, 2011
Hi, I was just wondering if this would be acceptable for my 10 gallon aquarium.
  • Black Phantom Tetra ( 2-3 )
  • Neon Tetra ( 2-3)
  • Apple Snail ( 1 )
  • Ghost Shrimp ( Undecided amount )
I do not want to overcrowd my fish but I'm not opposed to adding more/ removing some. Also, any new ideas for fish types that live will together would be great. I'm new at this and not planning on buying the livestock right away. I want to learn more on the fishless cycling and ect before beginning. Any information for a newbie would be greatly appreciated.
make it 6 neons or cardinals instead of three of each bc phantoms are too actuve and big for a 10 gallon IMO
I agree with both. You should pick 6 of one smaller species (neons, black neons, cardinals).
Oh, that's true. You could do 6 black phantom tetras instead. =]
Thanks so much to all of you I might do some more research on tetras and figure out which ones to choose / which ones are readily available in my area. :)
You can add as many shrimp as you like, i have 23 in my 10g breeder, they don't count towards your bio load so get as many as you like. great little things keeps everything clean and shiny.
Would it be possible to have 5-6 Black Phantom Tetras and maybe 2-3 male guppies on top of the snail and shrimp or would that be unacceptable ?
Hmmm... I think if you decided against the centrepiece fish (dwarf gourami or betta), then you could do 3 male guppies!
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