Newbie 5 gallon (yeah, I know) set up

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I'm sorry, I didn't mean Petra or Tetra. I meant Platy. I got a Red Wag Platy, and a Dalmatian Molly. So, is the Platy at least a little more suitable than the Molly?

What happens if I try to keep them...I mean, I guess they die, but how long? Surely they'll have the same fate if I take them back to Petco. Those tanks are pretty small and have loads of fish in them, a lot of them eating their dead friends.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean Petra or Tetra. I meant Platy. I got a Red Wag Platy, and a Dalmatian Molly. So, is the Platy at least a little more suitable than the Molly?

What happens if I try to keep them...I mean, I guess they die, but how long? Surely they'll have the same fate if I take them back to Petco. Those tanks are pretty small and have loads of fish in them, a lot of them eating their dead friends.

Mollies should be in a 20g
Platies in at least a 10g

A 5g besides a Betta,
Other choices, NOT WITH a Betta... Chili Rasboras, or A Scarlet Badis with Cherry Shrimp.
But true Nano fish are hard to find at LFSs.
If your Petco has a lot of dead fish try to find another store.

Not all Petcos or Petsmarts are the same. Some are better. Some LFSs are great, some are pits.

Petcos tanks look small, but they are part of a huge system. Think of a 900g tank with dividers and a massive filter. When it's maintained and they have a good supplier it's actually a decent system. There are UV Sterilizers running as well, if that store keeps the bulbs replaced.

I worked at a "good " Petsmart. Our tanks were clean, filter ran well, I made them replace UV bulbs. We would get sick fish in sometimes. I would warn people to avoid buying out of those tanks, if it was Ich or something contagious. Losing a fish or two from stress happens.

Learn what a healthy fish looks like. Clean fin edges, good weight, no scratching or spots.

Your Petco sounds pretty bad, unless they just got fish in and hadn't had a chance to pull dead ones.

Mollies are almost a Semi Aggressive fish. They often bully and harass other fish. Esp in smaller tanks.

I would return both fish unless you just want one Platy and nothing else. It's not ideal.
Thanks for the advice! The site I just looked at said it's best to have 6 Chili Rasboras, that would be too many though, right? How many would be ideal? could I put a freshwater snail in there, and or a clam?
Thanks for the advice! The site I just looked at said it's best to have 6 Chili Rasboras, that would be too many though, right? How many would be ideal? could I put a freshwater snail in there, and or a clam?

They are tiny fish with low bioloads. 6 should be fine IMHO. A snail should be fine. Skip the Clam. If it dies your tank will crash. They are buried all the time anyway.

Plants are what you need. Make a cool tank with plants and the fish will be the ornaments :)
Hi I have some African dwarf frogs and they are really cool?.i would not get African clawed frogs also know as tutti frutti frogs because they get quite large I would only recommend 1 AFD because they like there space despite what the pet store says no they can not live in only one gallon of water they are feed pelleted food as there staple diet and go crazy over bloodworms they will eat almost any worm as long as it fits in there mouth they are not very active but make a great addment to ur tank. Make sure they have some hiding space I they hide under the rocks and plants don't be alarmed they are pretty much "go with the flow" kind of frogs make sure they have some air space at the top.yes they are fully aquatic and are EXTREMILY easy to take care of have fun with your new tank
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