Nils 2.5G upgrade to 5.5G DP Build!

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I use a slightly different recipe; less yeast and no baking soda. I suppose the latter is to act as a buffer so that the pH shift is not so severe (just guessing).
For a two liter bottle I use about 1.8 liters of water (or slightly less than 2L), 2 cups of sugar, and 0.5 tsp of yeast. I first mix warm water and sugar. I then pour about 0.5 cup of water-sugar solution into a microwave safe cup. I microwave it for about 20-30 seconds (this will vary). I take a kitchen thermometer and adjust (or wait) until the temp is between 105-115 F and then stir in the yeast. I let it sit for 10-15 minutes (it should get a little foamy) and then add it to the rest of the solution. The solution lasts about two weeks. I used this recipe for about a year on my 20 long before I went pressurized.
I've seen other setups where an incandescent bulb was placed near the solution to provide heat. Room temp has worked with the recipe I've used.
I have not used the desktop browser version of AA in a long time. There should be buttons/icons present to allow you to attach pictures from your computer.

Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
Ok this is just a test. Haven't figured out how to upload pictures so here's a link. Tell me if it works for you or not.
5.5 Gallon FTS:
I finally logged into AA on a PC (its been months..friend requests?) and in the Quick Reply section I am clicking on the Picture icon just above where you would enter text. When clicked, it prompts you for the location of the picture (location on the web as per the URL or "http://" part). Entering an absolute path from your PC such as a drive/folder/filename won't work because the AA system cannot access / locate that file. I think the proper thing to do is to load the pictures in your album, get the URL of the picture and post it in the aforementioned prompt. Let me do a little digging...
In order to include a picture in a thread, you need to add it to an album in AA*. Here are some steps to adding pics to albums and including those in the post:
1. Using the full brower app, go to User CP
2. On the left click on Pictures & Albums under the Networking section
3. You can click the Add Album link to create a new album
4. After creating the album, click on the Upload Pictures link
5. In the Pictures to Upload section, click the Browse button to locate a picture on your device (PC, etc)
6. Select an image and click the Open button
7. Click the Upload Pictures button
8. Edit the caption as needed (optional)
9. Click the Save Changes button

To get the URL or BB code:
1. Navigate to the picture you want to include in your album(s)
2. Click on the picture
3. Below the picture the Picture URL and BB code will be listed
4. Copy and paste those somewhere
The Picture URL is the location being requested when you click on the Picture icon when posting a reply. The BB Code can be used "as is" in a post (no need to click on the Picture icon).

For instance, I just found this picture in one of my albums. Some of us on AA may have used one of these.

* - Some folks use a third party image hosting site such as PhotoBucket or Imgur
Thanks so much for the step by step process! I messed around a lot with my computer and still couldn't figure it out. I'll try what you said though! I will probably make an Imgur account and upload my pics to there and just post links. Anyway, went to Petco to just look and ended up bringing home 2 Amano shrimp to eat algae. Acclimating them as we speak. On the way home I also picked up the hornwort I ordered. Brought it home and opened it up. Man that stuff stinks!! I don't know if it was just because I got so much of it (2 sandwhich bags full) but I rinsed it out real good and planted about only a bag. Giving the rest to someone else with a tank. Looks good though! I guess you can now consider my tank heavily planted :) Dumped some in the 16 too. For the Amano shrimp, I'll put them in the 16 if the puffers get aggressive. I have a feeling they will be because the newest puffer was already pecking at the bag when she saw them. Anyway, that's it. I'll make an Imgur account later and see if I can upload pics!

P.S - Fresh, that filter looks ancient lol
Yes, the filter is from before your time!
I have an imgur account and I use two apps: ImgurApp for general browsing and Pocketgur for uploading pics and getting the URLs for posting.
The full browser mode really makes things easy though. Less typing.

Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
Personally I find photobucket the simplest, I've used most every photo hosting site. When you upload your image and it displays the image codes I use the "direct" option post to forums. You copy the code and paste it into your post, nothing to it.
Personally I find photobucket the simplest, I've used most every photo hosting site. When you upload your image and it displays the image codes I use the "direct" option post to forums. You copy the code and paste it into your post, nothing to it.

Imgur is simple. I use the mobile app. Upload them unlisted then just copy the link with the big button at the bottom.

Yeah I should've been more specific, photo bucket appealed most to me, it isn't to say imgur is more difficult to use, I like both, I just chose photo bucket, imgur is equally user friendly in my experience.
Imgur is simple. I use the mobile app. Upload them unlisted then just copy the link with the big button at the bottom.


Caleb - Which Imgur client app do you use? I don't see the big button at the bottom. I've used ImgurApp and Pocketgur.

Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
Caleb - Which Imgur client app do you use? I don't see the big button at the bottom. I've used ImgurApp and Pocketgur.

Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice

It's just called Imgur, first one on the Apple Store.

Upload your picture, click on it, there's a button at the bottom that brings up a pop-up menu where you can copy the link.

Is anyone else dying to see this tank?!?! :)

Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
Is anyone else dying to see this tank?!?! :)

Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice

Haha soon enough guys, tomorrow when I feel like downloading the software to get pics up on the downloads..... geez technology can be a pain in the butt sometimes (or is it just me?) Anyway, put the shrimp in before I left for a fishing seminar and hoped for the best, came back and they're already grazing the blyxa. The big female I chose has a really deep tinge of red to her an the male is white, almost like a snowball shrimp. Can't tell if it's an albino or just weird in its own way. Puffers only stared at them a couple times lol. I think I'm finally satisfied with the tank and there isn't anymore space to put in plants anyway. Pics either today or tomorrow, depends on when I can use my moms laptop. Figured I'd just upload pics there because a Mac is WAY less confusing than Windows.
Ok just uploaded some pictures, not sure if you guys can see them or not. Tell me if you can't.


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