Not so new, and not so huge tank that I may set up...

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Well, the month's nearly up, doesn't seem that long ago since I got the filter... :D

Anyways, I think I'm just going to keep it simple, just a couple of them fancy goldfish and Weather loach like my mum's tank, and I've already picked the names for the fish, Glug, Bob and Squiggle.... :mrgreen:
WaterPond said:
how big is that tank?

Mine or the pictured one? If mine, the dimensions are in my first post in the thread, the pictured one, I don't know but I think it has more water in it than mine will....
I hope you are aware of how big goldifsh get. And it might be the picture, but that water looks yellow.
Blazeherd2306 said:
I hope you are aware of how big goldifsh get. And it might be the picture, but that water looks yellow.

It's the picture, it's actually a very very very very faint green tint from the build up of algae on the glass since the snail died...

And yes, I know, my dad had a goldfish that grew to be about 9 inches and ended up living in a pond... :mrgreen:

Anyway, I know someone who has a few large tanks spare so if the goldfish grow to big I'll just beg for one... :lol:
WaterPond said:
it will take an awful lot of water chages to keep those fish happt, it looks like only a 5gal hex.

Can't remember how big it is, but the fish seem happy, they're very friendly... :D

Anyways, I was just browsing an aquarium webste and came accross Coral Sand:

Do you think it'd look good and if it would be ok for my Weather Loach (when I get one) to bury itself in? When I last looked in the tanks at the local petshop there were a few half-buried loaches and Plecs in the sand they had (looks like volcanic sand, very dark stuff, looked very good), so the fish must enjoy it... :mrgreen:
Coral sand is for marine aquariums and African cichlid tanks. If you want sand, use pool filter sand. You can get it from a pool supply store.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Weather loaches (also known as Dojo loaches) get 6-8 inches...I even saw a website that said over 9. Thats too big for a 7g tank.

I'm not aware of any loaches that are small enough for that size tank. Even Kuhli loaches, at around 4 inches are too big.

You are very limited on stocking for that small of a tank. I would do a school of small tetras and a male betta....or just the male betta. That tank isn't really large enough for much else IMO.

And the reason your mom's pleco hasn't grown much is that it probably is in a tank that is too small for it. Fish don't grow to the size of their tank...they get stunted and die an early death.

What size tank does she have anyways?

I think you should rethink your stocking. You are very limited with that size tank and shouldn't put a weather loach in that small of a tank.
Blazeherd2306 said:
Coral sand is for marine aquariums and African cichlid tanks. If you want sand, use pool filter sand. You can get it from a pool supply store.

Errrrm, they don't exist here in the UK.... :lol:

And I've not seen pool sand at the local B&Q before... :roll:
Can you find some inert sand then? If not, you may be out of luck! Coral sand will raise the pH, so you shouldn't use it with tetras and such.

Look for some silicate sand...not sure if you have that in the UK, but it is inert.
That is silica gravel, which would work. Its not sand though. But since the tank is too small for the loach, you don't have to use sand.
JustOneMore20 said:
That is silica gravel, which would work. Its not sand though. But since the tank is too small for the loach, you don't have to use sand.

But if I got a bigger tank would it be ok for a loach to dig until he's hidden?
If you get a tank big enough for the loach, then I'd go with sand. I can't tell how big the rocks are in that gravel, but I'm assuming they aren't small enough. Sand would be better for him. Are there any other places you could check for sand?
JustOneMore20 said:
If you get a tank big enough for the loach, then I'd go with sand. I can't tell how big the rocks are in that gravel, but I'm assuming they aren't small enough. Sand would be better for him. Are there any other places you could check for sand?

How big is big enough though?

Anyway, I could ask the pet shop I found the loaches in as they have sand in the tanks, so I assume they also have sand to sell, I'll have to pop in and see...
Well, I'm just getting everything from Rocketrading, cos it's all in one (including a new light for my mum's tank at that went very dark, and the fish have been in the dark for a week or so now), and I'm giving up on my new light modification, so I'm getting an 18" T8 Tube and controller (with splashproof plugs of course) and an 18" reflector, all made by Arcadia, some blue Silica gravel and a test kit, totalling £40.71p...

So I'm sorted for the main parts, but who will be the occupants??? :D
Got most of my stuff today, turned out that they don't supply the gravel without a tank, also the 18" fluorescent tube didn't turn up, so unless it has been sent seperately (for safety) then I'll be having a moan at them.... :roll:

So, still need to go to the pet shop to get some gravel, or sand (whichever's cheaper :mrgreen: ), and to eyeball the fishtanks... :D
How big is big enough though?
Since Weather/Dojo loaches get around 8-9 inches, I'd go with a 40g minimum...which would be around 148 liters I think.

Did you get a tank? If so, what size? I'm guessing it isn't big enough for the loach since you are getting an 18inch light fixture.

Did you get the 7.5g?
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