Oops! I bleached my Tiger Lotus :(

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
I think I nuked my Tiger Lily!

They other day I bought a beautiful Tiger Lotus with pretty much completely deep burgundy red leaves.

The tank that it came out of was having an algae issue. There didn't really look like much algae if any on it but to be sure I wanted to give it a bath in some peroxide water. Maybe 16-20 oz of water to 2 or so ounces of peroxide.

Then I forgot it in the bag for about 4-5 hours. Meant to leave it for about 5-15 minutes

When I got it out the leaves were pale medium green and not looking very happy. Oops! :oops:

Other than feeling like an idiot as I should about it, anything else I can do?

I rinsed it off well and dropped into the top of one of my tanks until I could get back to it.

Some leaves are damaged on the edges and some are just really pale. like almost opaque. There are several which don't look like they are rotting as of this observation.

Any recommendation on the best way to proceed?
I don't have any recommendations just a similar story except instead of dipping a plant I was drip acclimating my shrimp and was only going to let them acclimate for thirty minutes but instead it ended up being like three hours so the water overflowed into my saxophone case that I had the container sitting on getting my sax all wet but I don't think I lost any shrimp from the over flow luckily
I'd plant it as soon as you can, and if the leaves begin to melt, just take them off. If it was in good shape to start with, it should be able to grow new leaves fairly soon. If it had roots, that's great. If not, might take a bit longer, as the tuber will need to grow some, but still worth a shot planting it. They don't do that well floating for any length of time, at least, one I left floating sure didn't.
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