Opinion on coral supplements

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Clown Monarch

Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 7, 2004
Northwest Indiana
I've been using Kent's Coral-Vite and Coral-Accel in my tank. What does everyone else use and what are your opinions? I've only been using them a month or so and it's pretty hard to tell if it's doing anything at all.
I would use them sparingly. If you use too much they could pollute the tank. I use them once a week.. I want to start spot feeding my clam. I use a turkey baster to spot feed the corals and clam. I want something a little better. Thinking a long glass wide tube...
they work, slowly.

Don't overdose either.

I am using Coral-Vite too. Rocks are turning pickish slowly.
coral accel says to use it everyday i was following the instructions i dont want to pollute my tank is that too much
do it everyday, but smaller dose than what they recommend.

they want you to use more so you buy more from them! :p
Best advice I have EVER seen on this site is...Never dose what you are not testing for. That advice will go a looooong wa in the longevity of your tank ; )

I have used DT's in the past with good success. Having no LFS now that carrys it I know use Liquid life bio plankton and coral plankton. I feed the tank cyclop-eeze(sp) also and my corals have responded well. I also add B-ionic calcium and alkalinity 2 part system, this helps with the growth of coralline algae and corals.
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