Overstocked 29gal?

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If you have all this planned out, it would be much more responsible to wait until your plans come to fruition than to just add more fish on top of the ones you already have in cramped quarters. I have a couple tanks that are probably kinda overstocked, but not nearly to that extent. MTS is a good thing, but not if you start stocking your tanks before they are in your possession. :wink:
yea, but i still got my priorities in tact tho right? i have it in a good order?

and what size tank do you guys recommend? 90 gal, 100 gal, 125 gal, 140 gal, 150 gal?

150 gal is the max i will go
Think about what the lighting, filtration, substrate, etc.. will cost before you make your decision. Maybe something smaller would be better in the long run. As far as priorities I know you are young (here it comes from an old guy of 31) but take some of your money and start an IRA if applicable or purchase some savings bonds probably not what you thought you would here and I know it isn't fishing related but honestly it makes since.
You need to think about the total cost. Ie stand, filtration, lighting, gravel, plants? etc....

You need to make a shopping list for each size you are considering and work out the total cost for each set-up. Then you just get the largest tank that you can afford. No point spending all the money on a tank but not be able to afford all the other equipment.

It is really a personal choice..... Also, what happens when you go to college? Will the tank be looked after until you are ready to have your own place?? A large tank means a long term plan.
i can live at my house ause there is a college right in town

only like 10 min away
Trust me, you won't want to live at home when you are old enough for college. :wink:
My exact thoughts severum. Once you hit college, it's bye-bye momma, HELLO apt. If you are considering getting a 150 gal tank, you will be saving for quite some time. Two filters, 3 heaters, 2 maxi-jets, tank, stand, lights, hood, gravel, decor, plants. It's a lot of work and ALOT of money. We calculated the price on our 150 (even with it being on 30% off), it would have cost us about $1200 for the complete set-up. At $80 a week, You'll be saving for at least 4 months. And that's if you don't buy any of the other tanks. And you really can't set the 150 on the floor. I guess you could, but you wouldn't be able to hide the filters and all that stuff. If it were me, I'd stick with the 55 gal and save some money for college.
well college is going to be free cause my mother works there
College isn't all about tuition. Trust me. I come from experience. There are also books, computers, supplies, living expenses, entertainment expenses, and just about everything else. Just because your mom works for the college doesn't mean that they are going to give you money. I just wish that I had saved for college.
i know i know

good god!

stop stressing me and stop making me choose what to do good lord

this site is so freakin stessful i come for help and all i get is being told do this and do it now and you gotta do that your killing you fish i hate you and blah blah blah,

im dont for the rest of this month and the month of may

see you all in June...maybe
Wow, where did that come from? Seems to me, everyone is giving you "advice". They aren't telling you you have to do what they say. Just offering their opinions. Calm down and take it for what it is. When you post some of the stuff you do, you have to be able to take constructive criticisms.
Rudy, let me shoot from the hip with some advice. Take it how you want but I am not having a go at you.

1. Make sure you have thought out carefully what you want.

You seem to have different ideads with every post. 29SW, then agressives (pirannahs I think), then 55 with Cichlids 1st Oscars, then Mbunas, then Dempsies, then back to oscars. Then your tank grows to 90 gal. I am sure that all those ideas are great and would be so much fun. When you change tackt all the time it makes it SEEM like up change your mind and it is hard to give you the advice you want.

2. Accept advice.
No-one said they hate you. Sometimes people would like to guide you accept that guidance and grow from it.

3. You don't always have to have the answer to everything.
A lot of people who have been in your situation are giving worldly advice that most teenagers miss out on. You keep coming up with far fetched ideas about your future. Right now enjoy being young, things won't work out a smoothly as you hope but you will face those hurdels when you get to them. All you have to do now is think of your options, not decide what to do.

4. No-one is criticising you.
You are in a forum where adults speak their mind. If you disagree that is great, but be respectful please.

5. We all want you to have the best aquarium set up that you can.
We will give you advice about how to go about it. That is what we do and we also want it to siut your lifestyle, budget and future. Any tank bigger that 55 gals is a LONG term prospect. We want your fish and you to have no problems in the long term.

I have said enough, but I wish you all the best with what ever you decide.

P.S. Please post some pics of your Blue Gourami and Koi please I love both Gourami's and Angels.
This thread is locked since it's getting off-topic, and too personal.

Lets all just take a deep breath and remember fish-keeping should be FUN :D
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