Phish's 40g upgrade to 75g breeding Ram build

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OK, as foretold! I am giving up on the DBT in the tank. The cory's wont leave it be! So I'v moved all of it to the fry tank. Spent a hour + skimming the tank from top to bottom trying to remove lil bits of DBT that were driving my crazy!

But, on a much better note! I have a spawn today! It was on a pc of slate. Bonus! So I moved it to the fry tank. Hope it's good hatch with a high survival rate.
Most of us have a plant vs fish issue at one point or another. With me it HC, dwarf baby tears and my yo-yo loaches!

But it's good to hear you've got another spawn! Have you gotten any fry from the long fin pair?
Ok, going to need some help and advise. I have algae that has shown up. I know it wasn't 2 days ago. So it's shown quickly. All water lvl's are good. Phosphate's are reading 1. Lights are on a timer For only 7 hrs a day.

It's a very fine hair like algae very long strains. It seems to be showing mainly in the areas with stronger water flow.

Here is a pic its not the best.
It's thread algae. Treat it just like hair algae. You can spot treat it with Hydrogen Peroxide or Excel if need be but sometimes just taking a new toothbrush and twirl it so the algae wraps around it and manually remove it. Also how much Excel are you dosing daily? You might need to increase it, let me know.
Well, we had talked about upping the excel dosage on the 40g. I'v been doing to full doses using the dose cap off of an API co2 boost bottle. I keep saying to myself how inaccurate the thing probably is. I'm going to start using a ml dropper to dose. So what dosage do you think I should be doing in ml.
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If the dosage your using is 1ml Booster to 10ml water then go up to 1ml Booster to every 5 gallons of water. Give it a week or so to see if you start seeing a difference and let me know. I do use syringes to get proper doses of liquid carbon in the tanks as I don't think the cap measurement is very accurate either.
Ok, I'm going to dose with the dropper. I'm going the same glut. bought from amazon that you use. I will start tomorrow with 15ml. Thanks river, we will see what it looks like in a week.
Great looking tank and update! I'm I interested to hear what you thunk of your Rena filter. I use one also and love it.
ok so help me too with the same thing please, wasnt there 2 days ago but its the first time and im seeing this same algae, long strands start to crop up - i dont have a CLUE what your talking about dosing with different products etc, and it would mean disturbing all the carefully placed roots if i was to do a toothbrush (gravel doesnt hold in the plants brilliantly by itself it seems) so i need to start dosing with something called excel?
Great looking tank and update! I'm I interested to hear what you thunk of your Rena filter. I use one also and love it.

Well, I Really like the amount of media space this one has.(four basket model). I have doubled the amount of bio media in it and there is still room. The one really big dislike I have about it is that the baskets don't lock together in some fashion so that fitting them back in the housing wouldn't be such a pain.
ok so help me too with the same thing please, wasnt there 2 days ago but its the first time and im seeing this same algae, long strands start to crop up - i dont have a CLUE what your talking about dosing with different products etc, and it would mean disturbing all the carefully placed roots if i was to do a toothbrush (gravel doesnt hold in the plants brilliantly by itself it seems) so i need to start dosing with something called excel?

If you have live plants and depending on the light you have on the tank. You may need to dose excel. Which is basically a liquid Co2 substitute which benefits the plants.

The thread algae is some what of an enigma from what I have read on the web. There are a number of types for one thing. Plus there doesn't seem to be any key reasoning or indicator as to what causes it. Everything from water flow to new tank syndrome. although there is a lot of hinting to low Co2 being the reason. That said, more then one person said it was there and they couldn't get rid of it no matter what they did. Then it just went away.

For me, I have removed all that I could see and increased my excel dose(thanks river for the help) and that seems to be working so far.
Hey phish,

Does the sand blasting sand hurt the cories at all? I heard that its too sharp for cories and plecos.

I have read people saying that. I have not seen any indication of that from the 8 cory's I inherited with the tank. It doesn't bother them in the least. They root around in it all day! I also have rams nesting in it.I do know that the black diamond comes in different grits. That may have something to do with it but personally I would say no to that question.

I bought mine a Northern tool company which only sells the one grit I believe. I do have a bag of it still so I will look and see what grit I purchased and post it for you.
I have read people saying that. I have not seen any indication of that from the 8 cory's I inherited with the tank. It doesn't bother them in the least. They root around in it all day! I also have rams nesting in it.I do know that the black diamond comes in different grits. That may have something to do with it but personally I would say no to that question.

I bought mine a Northern tool company which only sells the one grit I believe. I do have a bag of it still so I will look and see what grit I purchased and post it for you.

Thanks:)! Ill prob be switching over sometime soon
phishfriend said:
Well, I Really like the amount of media space this one has.(four basket model). I have doubled the amount of bio media in it and there is still room. The one really big dislike I have about it is that the baskets don't lock together in some fashion so that fitting them back in the housing wouldn't be such a pain.

Yeah, the star bio media they give with the filter is ok but I swapped for out for Fluval ceramic rings which I prefer. It is a shame that the baskets don't lock but I figure they just felt it would be likely to break or something. I'm still a big fan of Rena filters.
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