Pleco for 10 gal?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 16, 2018
I’ve had a functioning 10 gal tank going for almost 7 months now and have noticed frequent algae along the glass. I have 2 Otos, a good sized group of shrimp and a Cory cat but I was wondering if a pleco could fit in there. I love the Plecos look but I won’t get one if they aren’t adequate. I’ve been doing research but wanted more opinions. Obviously a common pleco is out of the question but maybe a rubber lip or Bristlenose?
If you feed a Bristlenose it will sit there and get fat. My only concern would be water quality
As for the algae eating tank mates, how about some Amano Shrimp?

And you might want to try a different bulb, and or lighting schedule. Reducing it some. And also maybe change foods if you routinely feed with some kinds of flake foods. Contain phosphates.

Algae is a symptom and you may be able to easily adjust some things to reduce it, and not worry about having that Pleco bioload in the tank and opt for something better for your 10G.

Maybe a couple Nerite snails - the horned ones are really fun, lots of colors and patterns.
Would a pleco be a no then? If it is I’ll look into those snails but I just love Plecos. They’re so interesting!
Yeah sort of what I was thinking. A 10G is a wee bit on the small side. Your thread had me thinking of the Clown Pleco. They are fairly small 3.5 some places say up to 4 inches.
Having a little bigger tank would be a worthy investment for such a great little fish.

Bottom of the Tank - Clown Plecos for the Planted Aquarium | Details | Articles | TFH Magazine®

Or if you really intend to upgrade in 6 -9 months you could start out with a youngster BN - maybe a super red or green (or albino green) dragon ancistrus.
Thank you for the responses. I’ll leave the pleco out until I can upgrade.
If you keep tank water clean (50% or more water change) a few different species of plecos would work . Key is clean water
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