Pool Filter Sand inert?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 22, 2008
Loveland, CO
Is there any risk of Pool Filter Sand not being inert? I want to stay cheap, and am also concerned about the brightness of sand-blasting Silica. Thanks.
Many people have used it as a substrate I have never heard of a problem with it. Just be sure to rinse it very well.
for cheap and planted Shultz aquatic soil is another option. As for the sand silica is inert so most saand should be OK well pool sand
PFS is perfectly fine for aquarium usage. I use it in all of my tanks as do many other members of the forum. Be sure it rinse rinse rinse rinse rinse before putting it in the tank or it will cloud your aquarium for a while. Fill a bucket 1/3 full of sand. Put the garden hose in the bucket and let it fill. Swish the sand around with the hose to kick upall the debris/dust. Let the bucket overflow. Keep doing this until the water comes out clear.
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