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When I 1st set up my 150g the only fish I had was my betta n a lil 2g betta tank and after the water was rite I moved him n lol I've never seen a fish stay frozen in fear so long!! Poor guy it took a few days but he got finally got used to it. Sry for the crappy pic all I have is my phone for now

Here's a shot of my betta girls, they were slightly non-compliant in terms of holding still for photos, but what can you do?


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This is seven, he's a little peeved about being in the holding tank during a water change, but still beautiful.


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he's going to be in the bf new office... going to miss him...


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This is mine, Narcissus


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This is my new betta Spot. Took him all of one day to become my favorite fish!


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Thank you, he's really fun to watch. I swear he has more personality than my cichlids and they've got a TON. I am going to plant his tank once I get around to ordering supplies, he should enjoy that. :D
This is one of our boys, Smoochie. I can't get a good picture of it but his lips (and the tips of his fins) are an iridescent white and puckered into a perfect little smooch shape. Planting his tank this weekend! *squee*


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