Potential Pond

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 7, 2012
I have a small pond in my yard, perhaps fifty or seventy five gallons with an installed pump but I think it's broken. It's a formed liner I believe but currently full of leaves so a bit hard to tell. How would I potentially go about setting up this pond?

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How far in setting it up have you gone? That will help us help you.

It is in the ground and has been for over a decade at least. I've tried repairing the pump multiple times but I don't think it's working- I may try again later today. I have no clue about the piping or anything else as it was there when my family bought the house. All of this is under a layer of gravel so I doubt I can find out easily.

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If you cant get to the equipment I would start from scratch if I were you. Unplug everything and forget about everything that's there except for the pond itself. Buy yourself a new pump (the one you have is probably all corroded anyway), get a canister filter or make a simple DIY canister filter, get some sponge/mesh filter material and wrap it over the pump. It will act like a second filter in addition to your canister filter and it will provide any potential fish with oxygen. The King of DIY and AquaPros on YouTube have lots of videos you can watch on DIY canister filters! Go to your LPSS (haha made that acronym up, it's local pond supply store) and get yourself some Lillys. Lillys are excellent pond plants when it comes to Beauty but it also creates a way for your fish to be covered from predators. Ponds aren't very demanding and don't require much maintenance but you can look up some of the few things you'll need to do to maintain it. You need to cycle it of course and then when you want to start out with your pond fish i would go with comet goldfish because they are extremely hardy! Then I would get into koi. You can also try some native fish! Just beware of fish that jump... They won't make it...
Also having this pond is going to be a natural pest control. Contrary to popular belief ponds with fish won't attract bugs because your fish will gobble them up. Mosquitos are like the blood worms of the pond world so don't worry about that, they will be in the fish's stomach in no time. If it freezes where you live you'll need a heater in your pond unless the pond is 4 feet deep or deeper. Koi and goldfish can tolerate a freeze as long as the pond doesn't freeze all the way through to the bottom. During a freeze keep your pump running so it can still oxygenate the water. I've seen all my fish survive even when the pond froze over the top. Good luck and keep us posted!

Here's a DIY canister filter video from the King of DIY
And here's another one but this one is by DIYAQUAPROS:

Wow thanks for the info! This pond is maybe two feet deep so it seems I will need a heater. I wasn't planning on goldfish or koi, more along the lines of native fish, maybe a couple sunnies or something.

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Sun fish are cool but I've never kept them so I can't help you there sorry :(
Koi are really cool though I highly recommend them if you've never had them! Don't knock it till you try it as they say! Koi are more like dogs than fish and that's one reason I love them. They are really intelligent and recognize their owners at feeding time. If you dip your feet in they will give you a foot massage lol! There are so many pretty varieties too! Theres hundreds of color combos but theres only two types of koi; butterfly koi and regular Koi. look butterfly koi up they are beautiful! I've heard some disasters with native fish so be really educated on them before you decide to get any. You need a license from the state for some native fish.

Butterfly koi are long finned koi. Their fins look like silk!

If you decide to get any I recommend next day koi! It's a very good place to order from if you don't like waiting a week to get them as the name implies.

Well, I have a book on koi. If the pond is what I'm estimating, 50 gal if that, there is no way a full grown koi will live happily.

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I might go for Goldies but I think letting some pet store guppies loose for a few months in summer could produce an interesting array of colors and at the trade in price at my LFS a tidy little profit lol then see if a heater will let them live through the winter.

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Oh. :(
You could cut part of the liner and dig some more and expand the pond. If it only 50 I don't think sun fish are good option either... They are kind of like discus and I think they are more of vertical swimmers as well and your pond is only 2 feet deep. Fancy goldfish would work or maybe you would like rosy reds. I haven't had rosy reds but I here they are easy to breed and about as hardy as goldfish

Oops that post was when you said you couldn't keep koi. I should have quoted that.

Goldfish and koi will eventually get too large for the small pond. Natives are a nice choice. I have had mosquito fish in my pond the last few seasons and they do survive the winter in US zone 7 (I am one state south in VA). They are not much to look at but they are prolific breeders and help control Mosquitos.
I have a similarly sized pond with a box shaped prefilter and down flow style external filter powered by a 500 gph submersible pump. I did have goldfish until a raccoon got hunger one day. There is one small/medium red hardy lily, one lotus, and a host of aquatic plants from my planted tank.

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I have to agree with Fresh2O mosquito fish are awesome breeders!

Cool! If I only run it in summer, so be it I'll save money and just send all the fish to the LFS at the end of the summer- temp breeding pond! Mosquito fish are pretty cheap, right? If I can't find them I think if I can get some livebearers or minnows/cories/danios/tetras (lol) to breed my LFS pays about $1.50 a guppy probably more for egg layers. I love experiments and I think this would be awesome. I'll try to find a cheap filter and hook it up to the outlet near the pond. Obviously it's much too cold in my part of the world right now to put any fish in such a shallow pond (40 degrees) but a project where I actually make money off fish could convince my mom that fish aren't such a terrible idea after all.

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Well then you will have 6 months to do research and procure your equipment. Contact your LFS and see what types of fish they would be will to buy back from you at the end of the season. Not sure what you would get for mosquito fish. Due to their lack of bright colors you might only get feeder value for them. Contact you local nursery or garden shop for availability (that's where I got mine from). I use a small 100w floating heater to keep a hole in the surface in case it gets real cold.
Prior to this pond (years ago) I built and maintained a pond at my parents house. It was 12'x10'x2' deep and between 1000-1200g. I used a 100g Rubbermaid trough filled with buoyant plastic media called pall rings for a bio filter. The pond had koi, goldfish, lilies and various bog plants. I also kept guppies and black mollies (regular and sailfin) and they bred and grew like crazy. When my folks moved we could not move all of the fish. I left the pump and filter in place for the new owner (though I heard the later filled it with dirt).

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I've emailed my LFS multiple times and I never get a reply. I suppose calling could work- I'll try now!

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