Prevantative Meds?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 14, 2005
Is there a med that can be used at every water change that will help prevent Ick, fungus ect?
depending on the fish, Salt.
also a high temperature.

It's not good to keep treating your tank it messes with the bio-filtration side of things.

No, there are no additives that can prevent ick. There are things you can do to try to avoid is like Matt suggests (although this cannot be done if you have scaleless fish or inverts).

Another is to QT all incoming fish for a week. If you cannot do that, try to buy fish that have been at LFS for a few days and pick only the healthiest ones.
There are a lot of good suggestions for preventing or avoiding illness. Good water quality definitely helps. Careful selection when making a purchase . I also highly recommend having a quarantine/hospital tank (10 gallons is a good size) in case you buy a fish that isn't obviously sick when you first get it. Put new fish in there for three to four weeks before putting them in their permanent residence.
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