QT Question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 8, 2005
Vacaville, California
Hello all...

I am wondering if a 5 gallon tank would be okay to use as a quarantine tank???

I'm thinking that might an easier tank to set up and break down, so that I'm only using it when I need it for sick fish or new fish. This is assuming a sick or new fish would only be in there for up to a month.
I mean no room for error. You should use a 10 or even a 20 but as fluff said it can be done but you`d have to constantly monitor it.
I'll just keep the 10. I'm trying to minimize for space, but it is probably easier to just leave it running than to set it up. I was thinking a 5 would be easier to store, but that's okay. I hadn't thought about the error factor. Thanks.

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