Quick question about O2

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 17, 2006
My tank is currently cycling and thats not the concern.

I plan to do some really cool aquascaping with some rocks and some driftwood. I also wanna include some fairly low maintanace plants. In each of the 2 back corner I want to put an air stone in. I think it would have a really cool effect behind all my rockwork. My question is.. will the added oxygen drive off the much needed CO2?

and so I don't have to start another thread I wanted to add that I have 80 watts of flourescent lighting which is SUPER bright you would think its 200 watts. What type of plants would you recommend.

Here is a pic of my substrate.


  • substrate_328.jpg
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Increasing Oxygen levels will not decrease CO2 levels. In fact, as long as you aren't injecting CO2, agitating the water's surface is a good thing and will help keep CO2 levels at ambient levels. However if you are injecting CO2 and agitating the water's surface (air stones, etc) then excess CO2 will be gassed off making it very difficult to obtain good CO2 levels.
Purrbox is dead-on. Surface agitation will drive off injected CO2. Please give us some more tank specs: tank volume, tank dimensions, etc. It will help us help you :)
Swords are a nice low light beginner plant, just stick some root tabs under them and they'll do fine at those lighting levels. Nutrafin and flourish both make good root tabs.
thanks for those replies guys. all i definatly be taking that info into consideration.
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