Rabbit snail question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 24, 2017
Random thing, I saved 3 rabbits snails from petco and one was preggers so I had 3 babies!

All but one of the babies is roaming around 110g planted tank so I never see them, recently I moved one to the 10g tank so I could see him more often.

This morning I noticed him what looked like nibbling on his own shell, is this normal baby snail behavior? There seems to be a nice little polished spot where he keeps doing it.

Moms and or dads are doing fine and when I do see the other babies they look fine as well.
Hi i breed rabbit snails and what you are seeing is perfectly normal. Sometimes their shells can get rough edges and rub the body so they nibble the edge smooth. Great little snails!
Never heard of rabbit snails, I looked them up and they look nice. I have never seen a pet shop around here with them, would like to have a couple!
Hi i breed rabbit snails and what you are seeing is perfectly normal. Sometimes their shells can get rough edges and rub the body so they nibble the edge smooth. Great little snails!

Awesome thank you! He looks a little dark right now but I’m assuming the color comes with age!
Yeah they often change color a bit as they grow. Nice work rescuing the little guys! I have 2 babies myself.
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