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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 23, 2013
I have this rock from my old saltwater tank. I want to use it for my new freshwater. Any advice how to properly go about this and if its worth doing. I have read many mix opinions from it worked to it killed all the fish.


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I have this rock from my old saltwater tank. I want to use it for my new freshwater. Any advice how to properly go about this and if its worth doing. I have read many mix opinions from it worked to it killed all the fish.

How long has it been sitting around and is it dried out? Also what type of fish are you planning on keeping?
How long has it been sitting around and is it dried out? Also what type of fish are you planning on keeping?

I have

2 black mollies
2 white mollies
2 orange mollies
2 yellow mollies
2 Dalmatian mollies
6 Mickey Mouse patties
2 black neon tetras
6 red eye tetras
4 red minor tetras
2 X-ray tetras
3 rubber lip algae eaters
2 catfish
1 golden ram

On a 75 gallon

I was told that this rock is a skeleton of a coral. But I'm not sure
Honestly if its all dried out and you clean it. I don't see and issue. If your worried. Clean it good and soak it. Test the water it's in, see if pH raises and if it raises your salinity but again I don't see and issue. Just my opinion.
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