Seneye Reef

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Seneye monitor

its an electronic monitoring device you put in your tank and connect to a computer.
It monitors PH, Amonia, temperature and light levels of the tank, and can be monitored by your phone or computer anywhere in the world over the internet.
They are also bringing out soon another one that will monitor all other paramiters of the tank like Alkalinity, nitrate and nitrite etc
check them out at
I have the seneye reef, in theory it's great but the software keeps crashing, I loaded the restarter program but still has serious problems. The readings I get can be 4 hours out and today it's been over 10 hours with no readings. It has potential but still requires a lot of work, I don't suggest buying one until they sort their website and software out.
I have just got the new down load program and now works great
Update on the Seneye.

I received mine 2 weeks ago and things have obviously improved.

No software at all.
Reading seem to upload roughly on time.
Portal with the results does take some time to update.

Next question is how does the Ammonia NH3 and NH4 work and compare to a test kit, in my case an API Test Kit?
Yea? That sounds like a great addition. I use API test kit as well, are your readings in the range of your previous test kit results?
My seneye seems to be behaving software wise, I get readings but can be delayed 1 to 2 hours, every time I put a new slide in I do a test by the kits available and adjust the seneye to suit, program to run seneye is found on their site
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