Sick ADF

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 3, 2004
Nor Cal
I have two three-year-old ADFs in a 2.5 hex. Ph is in the low 7's, temp is in the mid 70's. I do a partial water change every month with Amquel+ to detoxify.

My problem is that one of the frogs has gotten 'funky'... it's eyes are all cloudy and the head and back have a white-ish appearance (please see attached pic). I thought it was going to shed, but it's been about a month or so and nothing has happened. The frog's behavior has not changed, still eats and swims around like usual. The other frog is completely normal.

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Thanks for your help.
Thanks for the info and the welcome... as of my posting yesterday morning the sick frog now has a cotton like tuft of its back, and the not-sick frog now has some white spotting on it's body. So I'm pretty sure I have a fungus problem.

I've never had to medicate my frogs before, but I'm trying Jungle Fungus Clear, for two reasons:

a) It was 2am when I noticed the above mentioned cottony tuft and that's what meds I had on hand,


b) I had fungus clear on hand because I had had success with it in the past with a sick fish.

Here's hoping the meds don't hurt them more than the fungus! :( I'll keep you posted though and let you know if it works.
Here's the update as of this morning:

One fungus clear tab is used per ten gallons of water so I broke the tab into four pieces and then one of the pieces into pieces again. I did this so I could administer the meds over time, just in case the frogs are sensitive to the meds. I've put about 1/2 of the broken-up chunk in so far and it looks as though it's helping, the cottony tuft on one frog has disappeared, and the meds have not appeared to have harmed the frogs.
Cloudy eye can come from bad water conditions. Water change once a month is not enough in my opinion especially if you got fish in there. Hope he gets better!
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