Sick tank - please help

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 5, 2004
I have a huge problem with my classroom tank. I have a larger tank at home which has no problems, and I do the same things with the one at school but here are the problems I have:

The water looks greenish even though the lights are only on for 7 hours a day.

Green fur/fluff/wire stuff is growing on the rocks and plants

My Silver Mollies that have been born in the tank eventually die (some quite large) after spinning and spiralling for a few days like a corkscrew. The parents are fine, as are the platies and plecos.

I have a fluval2 filter and airstone for oxygen. The ater parameters are fine and the tank is not overcrowded.

Please help and advise! Thanks in advance.

Saltwater of Freshwater?
Is the tank per chance near a window?
I admire you as a teacher for having a tank in the classroom.
I always liked looking at the aquariums when I was in school--sometimes to the detriment of my studies.
I still have pangs of not becoming a marine biologist! Jeff
The tank is freshwater and is quite near a window but doesn't get much light. My children love the fish - they are very peaceful to see and the children ask many questions.

The reason I asked if your tank was fresh water or saltwater was because of the forum you had posted it in and your choice of AC/DC inhabitants.
Sunlight can be very powerful. Would it be possible to place some card behind just to see if it makes a difference?
Anyway, how old are your charges? Jeff
I think the tanks were all gone by the time I was in 7th grade.
Oh yes, what an idiot. I clicked the wrong forum. By the way the children are 6th grade (here in the UK) - 10/11

I have a huge problem with my classroom tank. I have a larger tank at home which has no problems, and I do the same things with the one at school but here are the problems I have:

The water looks greenish even though the lights are only on for 7 hours a day.

Green fur/fluff/wire stuff is growing on the rocks and plants

My Silver Mollies that have been born in the tank eventually die (some quite large) after spinning and spiralling for a few days like a corkscrew. The parents are fine, as are the platies and plecos.

I have a fluval2 filter and airstone for oxygen. The ater parameters are fine and the tank is not overcrowded.

Please help and advise! Thanks in advance.

That's the last time I saw a tank in the classroom.
I remember we had one of those glass tanks with the metal frames where the panes are kept in place by caustic.
Two friends and I maintained it for the year.
A few months ago I noticed an obit for the teacher. (Never liked her much.)
My mother-in-law teaches school in Medway.
Please state the exact water parameters, including pH and temp.
The water looks greenish even though the lights are only on for 7 hours a day.

Green fur/fluff/wire stuff is growing on the rocks and plants
There is an abundance of nutrients in the tank for algae to grow like this. Cut back feedings to once every other day. Since the algae needs light to grow. Place a blanket over the tank for 3 days. Do not remove the blanket and don't worry about the fish.
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