Soundwaves and Fish

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 31, 2004
Peshtigo, WI
As I was listening to some music today over my surround sound system I had a thought. Does the loud sound vibrations, mostly the bass, affect the fish at all. I am a bit of an audiophile and have a pretty killer system and had the bass pumping pretty good. I'd assume this is just like thunder but I didn't know if it would really freak out the fish or not??? I observed them for a little while and they seemed to be swimming around like normal. Any opinions??
put your ear flat on the side of your aquarium. might look foolish, but you'll get an understanding of what they already have to go through.
that is a good question, i had my 10 gallon in my band room for a while, but one day of 5000 watts on 6 15's they all were hiding in the corner so i moved it to my room lol
yeah we get pretty loud, when we practice we obviously don't use all the 5000 watts, we only go about half way up on the volume, still though it will rattle your brains out, especially when the double bass kicks in in the drums, i'm sure my fish thought a war was going on lol

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