::STOCKING::50 gallin long aquarium

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Dec 20, 2011
My help will be great :D my friend is giving my a four foot long aquarium for my 12" pleco catfish (he is outgrowing his tank and sad :( which makes me sad because he is my favorite catfish I have ever had!! so I wanted some fish to go in there I would love alot of little fish or alot of medium fish but I don't want to go real passive or real aggressive till I figure out what fish exactly I plan to get and could really use some help!!
Thanks in advance
Well before stock is suggested give us some info, what kind of fish do you have access to? Can your lfs order fish? Are you looking for fish on a budget? These are important things to know because some might suggest a fish that may be unavailable in your area or too expensive.
Sorry I always try to ask these questions first :)
butterfly_koi said:
Well before stock is suggested give us some info, what kind of fish do you have access to? Can your lfs order fish? Are you looking for fish on a budget? These are important things to know because some might suggest a fish that may be unavailable in your area or too expensive.
Sorry I always try to ask these questions first :)

I can ask my lfs to order fish and if their supplier has it they will... And if the fish are alot of money I would purchase them gradually since I'm only fifteen with a part time job... I know I can get my hands in endless supply of walmart guouramis, tetras, corydoras catfish, (<---- I thot bout like 6-7 of these) and other various fish such as sichlids and oscars and sichlids are very pretty but expensive and aggressive so I couldn't have many.... And also my lfs has basic fish (tetras. Mollies. Platies. Goldfish. A couple interesting fish like exotic colored gouramis but mainly basic) and I just wanna put together a tank that is very active and pretty! Also I would love a African butterfly fish but idk what kinda temperament they are or if they can hold their own with fin-nippers like tetras If u have info on that particular fish I would be extremely grateful but back to main point just let me know what fish combinations would look great
Thanks in advance
The top one that goes around the top of the tank really pretty like and will eat crickets and all
Actually nevermind that.... I don't want the thread all sidetracked (but thanks anyways) back to the subject of stocking with all the fish what do you guys think?
TenaciousTriggerFish said:
How do u get brackish water? Not very clear on what brackish is

brackish water is halfway between fresh and salt water, brackish water can be achieved by using instant ocean (that's what I use for my fiddler crab) using aquarium salt does not have the same effect. do some research on the African butterfly fish I've read done mixed answers on if they are brackish or not.
TenaciousTriggerFish said:
Actually nevermind that.... I don't want the thread all sidetracked (but thanks anyways) back to the subject of stocking with all the fish what do you guys think?

I've have been stuck lately on getting a peacock goby, I love this fish. Very friendly, colorful, and doesn't get real big

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butterfly_koi said:
I got four emperor tetras today and really like them

They seem to be a good non-aggressive fish

Well Its a 50 gallon four foot long tank about how many of different fish you think would look good?
So do you still have the catfish or no? Also how are you cycling this tank? Are you using the same filter from a previous tank or ....? Before suggesting fish to toss into the tank it might be a good idea to get more info on whether the tank is cycled or not.
librarygirl said:
So do you still have the catfish or no? Also how are you cycling this tank? Are you using the same filter from a previous tank or ....? Before suggesting fish to toss into the tank it might be a good idea to get more info on whether the tank is cycled or not.

Very true, maybe you should just compile a list of potential fish so that way you can set up the tank according to their needs. Different fish need different environments to thrive and be happy
I am going to say this and slot of people will disagree but all the fellow hobbyists that help me don't either but I don't cycle any of my tank... Please let this subject be because I know most of you will disagree...

I would love a mixture of multiple tetras like maybe five of these and five of these or something I'm not completely sure...

And yes I have ZUES (my twelve inch pleco)[my favorite fish]

Also I want to put an African butterfly and some corydoras catfish or any other catfish you think will get along with ZUES
TenaciousTriggerFish said:
I am going to say this and slot of people will disagree but all the fellow hobbyists that help me don't either but I don't cycle any of my tank... Please let this subject be because I know most of you will disagree...

I would love a mixture of multiple tetras like maybe five of these and five of these or something I'm not completely sure...

And yes I have ZUES (my twelve inch pleco)[my favorite fish]

Also I want to put an African butterfly and some corydoras catfish or any other catfish you think will get along with ZUES

I know you say you don't cycle but I think your cycling without even knowing it. But any hooser back on topic, adding another catfish to the tank is not always a great idea, it might make ZUES aggressive because he will have to compete for food with other bottom dwellers. I could be wrong though. If your going to have an African you will want to get tank mates that can't fit in its mouth
1) what do u mean without even knowing??
2) with four square feet of bottom would cordless catfish bother him? (also any other little critters you think you would suggest for me
3) would tetras be ok? Idk what kinda I would love multiple species like threenof these three of those etc (any species suggestions would be appreciated to
TenaciousTriggerFish said:
1) what do u mean without even knowing??
2) with four square feet of bottom would cordless catfish bother him? (also any other little critters you think you would suggest for me
3) would tetras be ok? Idk what kinda I would love multiple species like threenof these three of those etc (any species suggestions would be appreciated to

1) here's an example: a friend of mine bought a 10 gallon kit, set it up that afternoon, threw tetras in that night, never had a problem. I bought a 29 gallon kit, set it up that afternoon, let it sit for 24 hours, threw in some goldfish, had tons of problems. Reason I gave this example is because she went through a cycle easily and without knowing because she used tetras, I've read that they are a good cycling fish unlike goldfish. She has never even heard of cycling a tank and the tetras helped her through it without her even knowing it. (don't take this as in I'm saying you don't know what cycling is because I'm pretty sure you do :) )

2. It might but on that one you could use another opinion other than mine I'm not fully for sure on how territorial plecos can be

3. Tetras should be fine. fish that mainly stick to the upper levels of the tank should be fine. Tetras, guppies, Mollies are some examples. Are you wanting a schooling fish?
butterfly_koi said:
1) here's an example: a friend of mine bought a 10 gallon kit, set it up that afternoon, threw tetras in that night, never had a problem. I bought a 29 gallon kit, set it up that afternoon, let it sit for 24 hours, threw in some goldfish, had tons of problems. Reason I gave this example is because she went through a cycle easily and without knowing because she used tetras, I've read that they are a good cycling fish unlike goldfish. She has never even heard of cycling a tank and the tetras helped her through it without her even knowing it. (don't take this as in I'm saying you don't know what cycling is because I'm pretty sure you do :) )

2. It might but on that one you could use another opinion other than mine I'm not fully for sure on how territorial plecos can be

3. Tetras should be fine. fish that mainly stick to the upper levels of the tank should be fine. Tetras, guppies, Mollies are some examples. Are you wanting a schooling fish?

1)That's cool :) and ya I do and u may be right I usually just start with one or two dish....

2) I'm not trying to question but I wasn't sure how sure you were about your answer.

3) I like to have one "star" fish as in star of the tank not actual star.... If I have ZUES on the bottom who is beautiful.... Ands I'll have and African butterfly fish at the top who will be really intriguing... And yes I want schooling fish but I want one fish like maybe and angel? Idk how she would fit into this whole plan but maybe as a mid-dweller she would be perfect :idk: but I am really enjoying brainstorming with you!
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