::STOCKING::50 gallin long aquarium

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TenaciousTriggerFish said:
1)That's cool :) and ya I do and u may be right I usually just start with one or two dish....

2) I'm not trying to question but I wasn't sure how sure you were about your answer.

3) I like to have one "star" fish as in star of the tank not actual star.... If I have ZUES on the bottom who is beautiful.... Ands I'll have and African butterfly fish at the top who will be really intriguing... And yes I want schooling fish but I want one fish like maybe and angel? Idk how she would fit into this whole plan but maybe as a mid-dweller she would be perfect :idk: but I am really enjoying brainstorming with you!

I would do more research on the African, if it is brackish that changes your whole stock. Plecos can't tolerate salt water and you don't wasn't to risk losing him. I think it all depends on the tetra whether or not an Angel would be ok. Some angels with try to eat tetras.
Try this website, its a stocking calculator and will tell you the compatibility of each fish
butterfly_koi said:
I would do more research on the African, if it is brackish that changes your whole stock. Plecos can't tolerate salt water and you don't wasn't to risk losing him. I think it all depends on the tetra whether or not an Angel would be ok. Some angels with try to eat tetras.
Try this website, its a stocking calculator and will tell you the compatibility of each fish

Wow thank you but what kinda tetras and other schooling fish would look good??
Taken from wikipedia: Silvertip tetras are a freshwater tetra fish native to blackwater rivers in Brazil . Silver Tip Tetras are slightly more aggressive than other comparative smaller Tetras , observed to occasionally nip other similarly sized tetras
1)Would a group of 6 become too aggressive? Be aide with their size I think six would be perfect! And maybe like four black skirt tetras? And what ever else you think...

2) By the way walmart is my favorite place to get fish... They are cheapest! And they have serpea tetra,, black skirt,, and neon,, among a couple others and they are like 2 dollars a piece which is a good price!!! So how about serpea? I know they can also be aggressive though but if my pleco is so big he won't be messed with and I read today African butterfly fish are aggressive may e they would be ok?? I'm not sure I have never had a freshwater tank this big. So I'm not sure about schooling them....

3) do h know a way to control pleco poo??? In my bright white/tan sand it really stands out :(
These are my two big tank long one is my freshwater :D


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TenaciousTriggerFish said:
1)Would a group of 6 become too aggressive? Be aide with their size I think six would be perfect! And maybe like four black skirt tetras? And what ever else you think...

2) By the way walmart is my favorite place to get fish... They are cheapest! And they have serpea tetra,, black skirt,, and neon,, among a couple others and they are like 2 dollars a piece which is a good price!!! So how about serpea? I know they can also be aggressive though but if my pleco is so big he won't be messed with and I read today African butterfly fish are aggressive may e they would be ok?? I'm not sure I have never had a freshwater tank this big. So I'm not sure about schooling them....

I think a group would be ok by themselves, what about neon tetras? Its a good hardy cheap schooling fish and are good with other fish. be careful getting fish from Walmart though, they don't take care of their tanks well and don't really give good information on fish, they are just looking for a sale. I went to Walmart today and they had goldfish in the same tanks with the Mollies and the guy tried to sell me a African cichlid, said that it would be a great addition to my tank even though I told him that my tank stock was guppies, Mollies, Platy, neons, and emperors. Yea it would be a great addition if I wanted all my fish ripped apart.
I learnt not to listen to walmart when I was told "all gouramis get together" my dwarfbgouramu was then ripped apart by my blue one....
UPDATE for those interested..

Tank now has sand substrate
12" pleco
5x rummy nose tetras
1x african butterfly fish
1x blue gourami (will not be in tank much longer)
Tank a little cloudy from sand hoping it gets better but my pleco digging in it doesn't help :p
10x rummy nose
10x black skirt
10x other tetra species
10x other tetra species
?x Cory cats
1x common pleco
1x African butterfly fish
Looking into silvertip or sepae or emperor etc... Please tell me what tetra you think would be pretty in this combo!!

Let me know what you think about the stock list!

Also I like pepper Cory cats and don't know how many in a four foot by one foot bottom... Also don't want to upset ZUES my pleco with to many bottom feeders any info would be great

(no comments about my pleco unless it pertains to getting him to stop digging in sand or if it pertains to him harming another tankmate)
TenaciousTriggerFish said:
UPDATE for those interested..

Tank now has sand substrate
12" pleco
5x rummy nose tetras
1x african butterfly fish
1x blue gourami (will not be in tank much longer)
Tank a little cloudy from sand hoping it gets better but my pleco digging in it doesn't help :p
10x rummy nose
10x black skirt
10x other tetra species
10x other tetra species
?x Cory cats
1x common pleco
1x African butterfly fish
Looking into silvertip or sepae or emperor etc... Please tell me what tetra you think would be pretty in this combo!!

Let me know what you think about the stock list!

Also I like pepper Cory cats and don't know how many in a four foot by one foot bottom... Also don't want to upset ZUES my pleco with to many bottom feeders any info would be great

(no comments about my pleco unless it pertains to getting him to stop digging in sand or if it pertains to him harming another tankmate)

Correction I didn't mean to put a second :p. Wanted "":: PLAN::""
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