Stocking ideas

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 25, 2011
Ok so here is my stocking list for my 75G

Four gourmis, two blue two gold (already have)
Four paradise fish (already ordered)

And that's it for now! Any other suggestions?
Aye that's too many open-ended possibilities! Discus, tetras, rainbowfish, keyholes, rams, angels, kribs, endlers, platies, mollies, guppies, barbs, swordtails, killifish, SAEs, bristlenose plecos, otos, danios, rasboras, the list goes ON! :D
Ok I know I'm adding corys to the list. And I didn't know I could get rams. That's what I've been wanted. Haha
Cool what kind of cories?

Yes you can definitely get rams! :)

And just be careful with all those anabatoids in there. It could become an aggression problem if you're not careful.

Keep us updated!
seekinghealth said:
Ok I know I'm adding corys to the list. And I didn't know I could get rams. That's what I've been wanted. Haha

If you do rams I would add them after the cories
Ya I know everyone on here loves them so I thought I should try em out!
Another great cory type are peppered cories. They are usually cheaper than pandas. Juliis are great too. Get like 10! That would be great in a 75 gallon!
Well I have a 32 will tiger barbs in it. I could put them in the 75 but if they will be happy in the 32 it will help with aggression
Okay, then yes to the peppered cories. I love mine, they zip all over the place and are sooo cute IMO. Oh and do look into the GBR I think that they are adorable! So are Bolivian rams.
I just looked at them and I really like them. And I'm probably gonna get two german blues and maybe some bolivians. Depending on if my lfs have them or not
I could order online depending on who has them. Haha but ill let you know when I get them!
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