Stocking ideas

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Maybe just either GBRs or Bolivians, even though it's a really big tank I would just keep one just because ram pairs are territorial to each other...that's just me though. People keep pairs or rams together in big tanks successfully.
I know I meant one pair in my 32 and one in my 75 and I'm currently looking for other tanks. But so far no good.
Ok so my lfs doesn't have any peppered corys. So does anyone know where I could get some?
Well my paradise fish came in today and I added them to make tank. Then I went to go get a ten gallon for my shrimp and saw that petsmart finally had peppered corys.. I had to resist though. Ill be back in a week to get six! Haha
Glad you waited, I was going to say that peppered corys are usually regularly available in the big box petstores. Just a side note, they get pretty large, I have one that is a few years old and its a beast, it's easily 3x the size of the ones I see in petsmart.
Well if they get that big then what other kind should I get? I think they only have peppered and green.
Maybe I could find some good online.. but I think all I'm gonna add is a rainbow shark and corys. I already have four gourmis and the four paradise fish.
Even if they are they don't sell them at my lfs. :/ ill look around online.
Albino corys are most likely either corydoras aeneus or corydoras sterbai. There are some corydoras paleatus albinos out there as well.

The most common one in the pet store is aeneus (bronze cory).

As far as I know there aren't any albino dwarf cory species (c.nanus/c.pygmaeus/c.hastatus/c.habrosus) out there yet.

When I refer to dwarf corys I'm talking about fish that top out around 1"- 1 1/2" give or take.
jetajockey said:
dwarf cory species (c.nanus/c.pygmaeus/c.hastatus/c.habrosus) out there yet.

When I refer to dwarf corys I'm talking about fish that top out around 1"- 1 1/2" give or take.
These are:
Those are the dwarfs.
Ok so 75 gal stock list. Good or no?

-four gourmis (already have)
-four paradise fish (already have)
-two GBRs
-one rainbow shark
- one or maybe two angels

I need thoughts and opinions.
Is this stocked, overstocked, or understocked? Or just incompatible?
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