Stocking Questions

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 6, 2012
I'm starting over with my tank. I have a 27 gal. High tank. Could I do
1 angel
1 ram or a breeding pair
And a school of tetras of some sort.

I'm open to any stocking ideas. I like all colorful fish (like dwarf gouramis and bettas).

Thanks for anyone who takes the time to answer.
What are the dimensions? Depending on them an angle might not do well. But I'd say 1 anglefish or 2 German blue rams
6 hatchetfish
8 cardinal tetras
I'm starting over with my tank. I have a 27 gal. High tank. Could I do
1 angel
1 ram or a breeding pair
And a school of tetras of some sort.

I'm open to any stocking ideas. I like all colorful fish (like dwarf gouramis and bettas).

Thanks for anyone who takes the time to answer.

I think you could do that.
I have a very similar tank. I had a pair of angels grown from a quarter size and they paired and spawned a few times in that tank, so i think they were happy in the tank but thats me i guess, so you could get away with two I would say if u wanted and a school of black skirt tetras, some corys and your gbr's
I dislike hatchetfish tbh. But I think it's 18" tall and 24" wide or something close I that.

That's fine the hatchets can switch with alot f different schoolers. What kind of tetra, barb, rasbora etc. do you like?
And in an 18 tall I think an anglefish will work but not sure If it wil with 2 rams.
And in an 18 tall I think an anglefish will work but not sure If it wil with 2 rams.

I honestly think the rams would do fine, if you get a breeding pair, and want them to spawn most people who successfully breed them use 20 gal tank for a pair.
With those dimensions I would only do 1 ram, a decent sized school of tetras, rasbora, etc., and no angels. Angels get bigger than what most people give them credit for.
I honestly think the rams would do fine, if you get a breeding pair, and want them to spawn most people who successfully breed them use 20 gal tank for a pair.

I meant having an angelfish with a pair of rams. IMO too small of a tank
I think Mabye if you did 1 ram(not a pair) and 1 anglefish, along with 8 cardinal tetras(or whatever to like) and some Cory's
I think Mabye if you did 1 ram(not a pair) and 1 anglefish, along with 8 cardinal tetras(or whatever to like) and some Cory's

Ok thanks:). I think that sounds good. I will most likely get the angel and the ram tomorrow. And then introduce the tetras and Cory's later. How many tetras and Cory's can I get?
Ok thanks:). I think that sounds good. I will most likely get the angel and the ram tomorrow. And then introduce the tetras and Cory's later. How many tetras and Cory's can I get?

You will want to add the other fish first, and get an angel that's dime to quarter size. With a small tank angels and rams can get territorial or get "my tank" syndrome so they should be added last. Getting a small angel that grows up with tetras can reduce the possibly of them thinking they are a food source
I would skip the angel. That is no where near big enough of a tank for a full grown angel. After putting my adult in a 75g I feel horrible for keeping her in a 30g long (36x12x18) for years.
I skipped the angel and got 5 rosy barbs and 3 rams. So my stock is
5 rosy barbs
3 rams
1 full grown BN pleco

Could I put like 5 Cory's in and still be good?
I skipped the angel and got 5 rosy barbs and 3 rams. So my stock is
5 rosy barbs
3 rams
1 full grown BN pleco

Could I put like 5 Cory's in and still be good?
I wouldnt put any botom feeders in with those rams, with three in that size tank you may have issues anyway depending on their sex and since they are fairly territorial having the corys may cause some disputes.
Females may have some blue speckling within the lateral black blotch; males don't normally have that. Females have a pinker belly, which is really prominent in breeding condition. Males will also have a longer second and third dorsal ray, but that's not always the case. I've actually seen females with longer dorsal rays. Perhaps they were much older than the males...

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